Learning Plan Date Formats

Learning Plan Date Formats

Added in 11.0.4. Initially, this setting only affects the Application Pathways page.


Many Learning Plans represent cyclical application periods, such as an annual recertification. In these cases, the name of the Learning Plan alone is insufficient to uniquely identify a given Learning Plan Instance, because Practitioners will complete a new one each year.

For instance, in the screenshot below, without the circled values the Practitioner would be unable to tell which of their completed applications was for their 2019 renewal and which was for their 2020 renewal.

Using the Learning Plan Date Formats to disambiguate multiple Learning Plan Instances

In some cases, such as the one shown above, only a single year is needed. In other cases, additional information such as the month or day values from the Cycle or Reporting dates might be relevant.

The Learning Plan Date Format feature allows an Administrator to configure how these dates are displayed.

Configuring the date format

The date format is not applied if the Dates Don’t Apply option is selected.

The date format is configured on the Learning Plan Definition. It has a max length of 200 characters.

Configuring the date format


The format string can contain any letters or symbols that you want, in addition to supporting placeholder values in this form: {<field>:<format>}

The <field> value must be one of these supported date values:

  • CycleStart

  • CycleEnd

  • ReportingStart

  • ReportingEnd

The <format> string specifies the date format to apply to the referenced field. This format accepts the following tokens only:

As of 11.0.4, this feature does not support internationalization or user-specific locales








Two digit year

4/6/2020 → “20”


Four digit year

4/6/2020 → “2020”


Month as a number, no padding

4/6/2020 → “4”


Month as number, padded

4/6/2020 → “04”


Month as an abbreviated string

4/6/2020 → “Apr”


Month as unabbreviated string

4/6/2020 → “April”


Day of the month, no padding

4/6/2020 → “6”


Day of the month, padded

4/6/2020 → “06”


Literal “/” character, to be used as a separator


Literal whitespace character, to be used as a separator

“June 2020”


Literal “-” character, to be used as a separator



Literal “,” character, to be used as a separator

“January, 2020”


Format string


Format string



Certified Office Dog Recert

{CycleStart:yyyy} - {CycleEnd:yyyy}

Certified Office Dog Recert
2019 - 2020

{CycleStart:MMMM yyyy} Cohort

Certified Office Dog Recert
January 2020 Cohort

{CycleStart:MM/dd/yyyy} to {CycleEnd:MM/dd/yyyy}

Certified Office Dog Recert
01/01/2020 to 12/31/2020

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