Complaints and Investigations

Complaints and Investigations


Allow members of the public to initiate a complaint against a practitioner, and implement a Workflow-driven investigations process for managing complaints.

Business Case

Licensing boards often desire a mechanism allowing members of the public to file complaints against licensed practitioners when the practitioner fails to meet the standards established by the licensing board. They also desire a means of managing the complaint investigation process. If a complaint is found to have merit, the board may need the ability to assign some sort of adverse action against the practitioner.


  • Allowing members of the public to initiate a Complaint, and to track their Complaints as they go through the investigation process. (Members of the public are required to create a LearningBuilder account to file the complaint, but are welcome to use "throw-away" email addresses to remain anonymous)
  • Setting up an Investigations Queue
  • Displaying Complaint information on the practitioner's license verification page

Configuring the initial submission process


  • User sees a "file a complaint" button on the login page (1).
  • Clicking the button launches a modal that explains the process to the user and asks if they already have a LearningBuilder account.
    • If the user DOES have an account, they are guided through the login process and then taken directly into a "Complete Activity" workflow to file a Complaint
    • If the user DOES NOT have an account, they are guided through the registration process. After registering, they are taken directly into a "Complete Activity" workflow to file a Complaint

File a Complaint LinkHome Login To File a ComplaintFile a Complaint Screen

Configuration steps:

  1. Create an Activity Definition to represent a Complaint
    1. Configure the "Complete Activity" workflow so that the first step is completed by "Owner" and collects the initial Complaint details from the Complainant
      1. In order to take advantage of 'Complaints By Me' or 'Complaints ABOUT Me' type of searches, a Member Data type attribute should be used to select the Member for which the complaint is being submitted 
    2. Configure additional workflow steps to represent the investigation process

  2. Configure a Registration Form such that it will create an instance of the Complaint activity, and launch the workflow, upon successful registration.
    1. NOTE: As of 8.22, you cannot configure a Registration Form to launch a Grant Role workflow and a Complete Activity workflow, it is a one or the other configuration. There is no seamless way to give Complainants a special role at this time.

  3. Edit one of the Login page Content Blocks and use the LaunchCompleteActivityWorkflow API to configure a "File a Complaint" link or button.
    1. This configuration will reference both the Activity Number of the Complaint activity and the new Registration Form that was created.
    2. The "redirectUrl" should be /Profile/MyAccount, so that the user ends up on their profile page after completing the workflow
    3. NOTE: This is considered "advanced configuration" because it requires some basic JavaScript programming.

Giving Complainants a list of their submitted Complaints


  • A Complainant who has previously filed a Complaint can come back to the system, log back in, and see a navigation link called "My Complaints"
  • Clicking the link displays a list of all Complaints filed by that user and their current status.
  • If a given Complaint workflow is accessible to the user, a button is displayed that opens the workflow interface

Configuration steps:

  1. Configure an Activity Instance Queue to display the Complainant's data as follows:
    1. Restrict to "Complaint" activities only. You can filter by Activity Type or Activity Number, or both.
    2. Enable the "ownerFilter" and set the target to "CurrentUser". This will only show Activity Instances that are owned by the current user.
    3. Enable workflow buttons if you want Complainants to be able to act on any Complaint that is "sent back" to them for any reason.
    4. Set the "area" to "Practitioner" 
    5. NOTE: This is considered "advanced configuration" because Activity Instance Queues are configured in the Sys Admin area by editing raw JSON data.

  2. Add a navigation link to that Queue instance
    1. Use Sys Admin → App Config to edit the "[Custom Navigation Links config setting]" 
    2. Set the URL to the URL for the Activity Instance Queue you just configured

Investigations Queue


  • A navigation link to the "Investigation Queue" appears for users with a specific Role
  • Clicking the link displays a list of all Complaints matching a specified set of criteria (newly submitted, etc)
  • If a given Complaint workflow is accessible to the user, a button is displayed that opens the workflow interface

Configuration steps:

  1. Configure an Activity Instance Queue to display the Complaints:
    1. Restrict to "Complaint" activities only. You can filter by Activity Type or Activity Number, or both.
    2. Filter by "allowedCurrentStepTitles" to match workflows on specific steps
    3. Set the "area" to "Admin", to restrict access
    4. Set "showWorkflowButtons" to "true"
    5. NOTE: This is considered "advanced configuration" because Activity Instance Queues are configured in the Sys Admin area by editing raw JSON data.

  2. Add a navigation link to that Queue instance
    1. Use Sys Admin → App Config to edit the "[Custom Navigation Links config setting]" 
    2. Set "Area" to "Admin"
    3. Set the URL to the URL for the Activity Instance Queue you just configured

Linking a Member Profile page to a list of Complaints about that Member


Displaying Complaint information on the public License Verification page



  • LearningBuilder 8.22 or later.

Configuration Overview

  • Complaints are Activity Instances that exist independent of any Learning Plan Instance.
  • Registration Form is configured to launch a "Complete Activity" workflow after the account is created.
  • A content block on the Login page contains a link or button that begins the complaint process.
  • One or more Activity Instance Queues are configured for displaying Complaint data to various stakeholders in various contexts.
  • App config settings are leveraged to create custom navigation links to those queu

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

FB-33717, FB-33719