"Entity-Scoped" Syntax

"Entity-Scoped" Syntax

An example of “Entity-Scoped” syntax is LearningPlanInstance.Application Date. The attribute name should be entered exactly as it appears in the Data Field Name column of the Edit Workflow page; if the attribute name has spaces, they should be included.


Many advanced LearningBuilder features allow for a configurable set of Attributes to be included on a page, displayed in a table, etc.

These features are typically configured in the Sys Admin area of the site and therefore consist of text-based configuration, rather than UI-driven configuration. This page describes the syntax used to reference Attributes in those features.


The “Entity-Scoped” syntax is a two-part way of referring to an attribute:

<entity>.<attribute name>

The <entity> value is one of these:

  • Activity

  • ActivityInstance

  • ActivityOffering

  • LearningPlan

  • LearningPlanInstance

  • MemberRole

  • Tenant

The <attribute name> value is the name of a Workflow Attribute that is defined for that entity.

If the attribute name contains a space, that space should be preserved.

To find the name of an Attribute, go to Admin → Workflows → edit Workflow, then look at the “Data Field Name” column.


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