Learning Plan Instance Import

Learning Plan Instance Import

This page details how Learnng Plan Instance data are imported via the Workflow Import Queue (a.k.a. "Enhanced Data Import").

Related: Provider -> Upload Attendance, Exam Score Reportingarchived


The Learning Plan Instance import feature allows Applications to be modified via batch file upload.

This supports numerous use cases:

  • Synchronizing LearningBuilder with 3rd party system of record;

  • Bulk editing / data manipulation

  • Bulk process-based operations (via the execution of Workflow Actions on Data Import Steps)

Supported operations

The Learning Plan Instance import process can perform the following operations:

  • Update an existing Learning Plan Instance

File format: Identifying the Learning Plan Instance to modify

Each row in the uploaded file must identify an existing Learning Plan Instance to update.

  • If multiple matches are found then the row is rejected. Additional information is needed to uniquely identify the one to update.

  • If a single match is found then it is updated via a Data Import Step on its Complete Learning Plan Workflow.

  • If zero matching records are found, the row is rejected with an error.


Updates when…

Inserts when…

Fails when…


Updates when…

Inserts when…

Fails when…


A single Learning Plan Instance exists with this internal ID.


Zero Learning Plan Instances exist with this ID

(:UniqueId or :MemberRoleId) +
(:LearningPlanName or :LearningPlanId)

A single Learning Plan Instance matches the specified Member Role, Learning Plan, and Learning Plan Instance parameters.

If the Data Import Step cannot be performed against Workflow Instances in a terminal state, then only Incomplete Learning Plan Instances are considered as candidates.


More than one candidate Learning Plan Instance is identified.


(:UniqueId or :MemberRoleId) +
(:LearningPlanName or :LearningPlanId) +

(:CycleEndDate or :CycleEndYear)

(:Email or :MemberId) +
(:LearningPlanName or :LearningPlanId)

A single Learning Plan Instance matches the specified Member, Learning Plan, and Learning Plan Instance parameters.

If the Data Import Step cannot be performed against Workflow Instances in a terminal state, then only Incomplete Learning Plan Instances are considered as candidates.


More than one candidate Learning Plan Instance is identified.

(:Email or :MemberId) +
(:LearningPlanName or :LearningPlanId) +
(:CycleEndDate or :CycleEndYear)

File format: Identifying the Data Import Step and/or Workflow Action

The Workflow Import Queue uses the Workflow Engine to manipulate data, so every row of an uploaded file must be associated with a specific Workflow Action on a specific Data Import Step. These elements can be specified in the file itself, or they can be omitted and the system will use the configuration to determine what to do.

Explicitly specifying the Data Import Step and/or Workflow Action


Letting the system “figure it out”



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