Application Pathways Page

Application Pathways Page

The Pathways page was introduced in version 10.10 and was made widely available in 11.0.

For more information on configuring this feature as an Administrator, see Configuring the Pathways Page.

Executive Summary

The Application Pathways page is a dramatic re-invention of the “Learning Plan List” page that provides a modern UI, a more helpful user experience, and is configurable to support many new and improved use cases.

The primary objectives of the Pathways page are:

  • “Stay in your lane” - Clear imagery and UI conventions make it easy for users to accomplish their tasks, separating credential-related tasks from administrative ones.

  • “Pick up where you left off” - The “next step” is clearly identified and surfaced to the forefront, so that users never have to wonder what they should do next.

  • “Reach for the stars” - Make it easy for users to understand the future opportunities their credentials may provide.

  • “Keep all the balls in the air” - Practitioners with multiple credentials should be supported and assisted to ensure that nothing gets dropped or forgotten.

  • “Invitation to the party” - Programs or licensing boards can call attention to specific credentials or opportunities.

The Pathways page is extremely configurable. It is optimized for these scenarios by default, but can be easily adjusted to meet a wide variety of other scenarios as well.

Screenshot of the Pathways page

Key scenarios

Stay in your lane

Clear language and imagery helps people navigate the system. Credentials are associated with logos or images, applications are clearly grouped by Credential, and administrative tasks are differentiated from credential-related applications.

Administrative tasks are organized separately from credential applications

Pick up where you left off

Most people will need to visit the system more than once during their credentialing journey. LearningBuilder ensures that when they do, no time is wasted trying to figure out what is next.

In-progress applications are pulled to the top of the page so they are front-and-center. If submission requirements are met, the application can even be submitted directly from the Pathways page itself.

Reach for the stars

In many programs, a single credential may be a stepping stone towards something more complex or advanced. LearningBuilder can show Practitioners what is next after they have completed or achieved a credential, even if they aren’t able to begin that more advanced application just yet.

Keep all the balls in the air

Some people have a lot going on, especially those that manage more than one credential. LearningBuilder ensures that they can easily keep track of all of their next steps, without getting so focused on one set of tasks that they neglect the others.

Invitation to the party

When a board or credential program wants to call special attention to a specific credential or opportunity, those credentials and applications can be promoted through the sidebar.

Roll your own

The Pathways page can be configured to meet additional scenarios or requirements as well. More information is available on the configuration documentation page.

Feature gaps and known limitations

Feature / Gap


Feature / Gap


Complete Learning Plan Workflow button suppressed when using certain configuration features

The Complete Learning Plan Workflow button is displayed on the Pathways page when:

  • The Workflow is accessible to the current user, and

  • If the current user is the owning Practitioner, the application submission requirements are met.

If the Pathways page is unable to fully evaluate the submission requirements, it will display a “passive” Workflow button, and the user will need to navigate into the Learning Plan page to submit the application.

This is functionally identical to the legacy Learning Plan List page, which had no ability to display a Workflow button in any scenario.

The following features will prevent the Pathways page from evaluating the submission requirements:

  • Task Groups with “Required Units” or “Required Count” rules, and that are conditionally hidden or locked based on a Comparison Rule or the completion status of other Groups.

  • “Minimum Units” specified at the Learning Plan Level, combined with Task Groups that are conditionally hidden or locked based on a Comparison Rule or the completion status of other Groups.

  • A required Learning Plan Payment task on a legacy (non-”LB 10 experience”) Learning Plan

Eligible to start a new instance when All previous instances are at least ‘Owner Complete’ setting on the Learning Plan definition does not apply to the Application Pathways page

The Eligible to start a new instance configuration on the Learning Plan Definition allows Practitioners to start a new Learning Plan instance under two possible circumstances:

  • When all previous instances are at least ‘Owner Complete'

  • When all previous instances are Completed

When using the Pathways page, only the “all previous instances are Completed” configuration option is supported. If the other option is chosen, Practitioners will only be able to start a new instance of the same Learning Plan when the previous instance is Completed.

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