MyAccount (Draft)

MyAccount (Draft)

*Below migrated from LB Wiki


In most cases, you can click My Account at the top right of any page, next to the Welcome message, to access your Profile Details.  [New in LearningBuilder 8.8] System Administrators how have the capability of directing users to an external URL when the My Account Link is pressed. For assistance in utilizing this feature, please contact LearningBuilder Technical Support or your LearningBuilder Implementation Specialist. [New in LearningBuilder 8.14] The page layout has a new, sleek look and feel.

This page is used to update demographic information in the system. If you have access to this page, you can make sure your program has current data for reaching you. You can also control whether your information appears in directories.

The contents of this page are determined by:

  1. The demographics tracked by the organization

  2. The use of external membership management systems for data*

The content areas in MyAccount include:

  • Core contact information such as Name and Primary Email Address

  • Role-specific information such as certification date, and other information specific to your credential

  • Addresses

  • Phone numbers

  • Email addresses other than your primary email address

  • A document library of all uploaded files

  • A repository of all received email messages

  • A history of payments made

  • A list of your Providers

  • The ability to upload a Profile image (if this feature is enabled by the Administrator - new in LearningBuilder 8.15.2)

Updating Information

To update your Profile Details, use the [Edit Profile] link. If available, this link will display in the upper right corner. 

When you have finished your changes, click one of the following:

  1. The

Return to: [My Account] link, in the upper right of the page.  

  1. The

[My Cycle] tab, along the header navigation area.  

If the appropriate permissions are turned off, phone numbers, addresses or additional email addresses can't be removed once entered.The administrator may also choose to block the ability to change other Profile Details as well. If you wish to edit your name, title, suffix information, or add a Profile Image, please contact your organization.

*When demographic information is being managed by an external system, LearningBuilder™ will manage only a small fraction of the demographics available about a member. 

Granted Roles

The middle column of the My Account page lists your granted Member Roles. A "role" defines your ability to interact with the system.

Any roles that you are eligible for, but have not yet been granted, will be listed on the right side of the profile page. See Permissions for more information.

Note that the Member Role Grant workflow action button will be available in both the 'Available Actions' (right) pane and the 'Additional Information' (middle) pane when the Member has a pending GRANT Member Role workflow. (New in LearningBuilder 8.15.2). 

In addition, if a User has multiple instances of a Role, the Role Label is displayed in the 'Additional Information' (middle) pane's header. Once you have a granted Role, you can use the [Edit Role] link to modify your role information. Note your Administrator must give you the permission to Edit your Roles, otherwise the Edit Role button will not be displayed.

Manage Your Email Addresses

In LearningBuilder 7.31, your credentialing organization can decide whether you are allowed to change your primary and alternate email addresses. If you are, you can perform this on the My Account page.

  1. Once you are logged in, click on My Account at the top right corner of any page.

  2. Locate the field set labeled Email Addresses on the Contact Information section of the page.

  3. To update your Primary Email Address, enter a new value in the 'Primary' field and click the Save Email Addresses button. Note that you can also update your Primary Email Address by clicking on the Edit Profile button at the top of the Contact Information section.

    1. The Primary Email can not be deleted or set to an empty value when the system requires an Email Address.

    2. The Primary Email can not be changed to another User's Primary Email value when the system does not allow duplicate Email Addresses.

  4. Click the Add Email Address button to create a new alternate email address. 

  5. Check the 'Receive notifications' checkbox (or click the Notificationicon) to toggle whether the email address should be copied on all communications.  The email will be subscribed to receive copies when the icon is rendered like .  Notifications are turned off when the 'Receive notifications' checkbox is unchecked or the icon is rendered like .

    • When communications are sent to alternate email address, they always include a footer with instructions for the recipient to unsubscribe from the email.

  6. Click on the Delete icon to remove alternate email addresses from your profile.


  7. Click the Make Primaryicon to change an alternate email address into the primary email address.

    • Note: Your organization may not allow you to change you primary email address in LearningBuilder.  In that case, this option will not be available. 

    • The Alternative Email can not be changed to another User's Primary Email value when the system does not allow duplicate Email Addresses.


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