Learning Plan General Settings

This page was copied from the Help site: http://help.learningbuilder.com/learningbuilder/default.aspx#pageid=learning_plan_basic_settings1

The General / Workflow settings of a Learning Plan are defined here. In order to update these settings, do the following:

  1. Edit the Learning Plan Properties

    The Learning Plan Properties page will appear, which includes the above field set.

  2. Update any of the following properties.

Note: Learning Plan is a Glossary term and thus may appear as a different term in your configuration.  Other common terms are "Application."

  • Title

    • The Title is displayed throughout the system.  

    • It should be short but descriptive.  

    • Typical names are:

      • Renewal Application

      • Continuing Education Learning Plan

  • Description 

    • The Description is displayed in the following areas:

      • Practitioner's Learning Plan list

      • Admin's view of a Practitioner's Learning Plan list

      • On the Learning Plan page when the [Show Details] link is clicked.

    • The field can accept HTML tags to improve formatting.

  • Learning Plan Type

    • The Learning Plan Type determines in which Queue the Learning Plan will be reviewed.  See the section on Learning Plans for more information.

    • Select from one of the following:

      • MaintenanceApplication or Appellate

Note: If the option is set to Bulk Assignment it cannot be changed (New in Release 8.5).

  • Competency Model

  • Appellate Learning Plan

    • Selecting another Learning Plan as the Appellate Learning Plan will give practitioners the option to Appeal a Learning Plan that was denied.

    • You must configure the Appellate Learning Plan before it can be selected here.

  • Allowed Role

    • The Allowed Role determines which Role can start the Learning Plan.

    • Only Roles with the PractitionerArea.Access Permission that also have a Status List are listed.

  • Allowed Role Status

    • The Allowed Role Status is a multi-select field that determines which Role Statuses can begin the Learning Plan.

    • Note that "Role Status" is a Glossary term, and thus may appear as a different term in your configuration.  In this example, the term appears as "Type."

    • The statuses listed depend on the Role selected.

    • This is typically used to make sure that as a member moves through the life cycle of their credential, they only have access to the appropriate Learning Plans.  For example: 

      • An Application Learning Plan might only allow the "Applicant" status.

      • A Maintenance Learning Plan might only allow the "Member-Active" status.

      • A Reinstatement Learning Plan might only allow the "Member-Lapsed" status.

  • Allow Update by Practitioner in Any Status

    • When Allow Update by Practitioner in Any Status is checked, a user can update their Learning Plan, even if they no longer have a Status that can begin the Learning Plan.  If this is not checked, and a user's status changes to one that is not in the Allowed Role Status list, the Learning Plan will be locked and the user can no longer update it.

  • Hide From Practitioner when (new in LearningBuilder release 8.17.0)

    • This allows the Administrator to configure a comparison rule, which when realized, will hide the Learning Plan from the Practitioner on their Learning Plan List page.

    • To configure a comparison rule, click the --Not configured yet -- link

    • Note that the Practitioner will still be able to Begin the Learning Plan, but upon navigation to the Learning Plan instance, will be shown a message 

    • Learning Plans in this condition are NOT hidden from Administrators.

  • Message when Hidden (new in LearningBuilder release 8.17.0)

    • The message displayed to the Practitioner should they begin a Learning Plan, which is then subsequently hidden by the Hide From Practitioner when comparison rule
      The Comparison Rule is defined on the LP Definition and isn't "versioned" for each LPI. Changing the rule will affect all instances of the definition.

  • Automatically Begin (new in release 7.9.0)

    • When checked, a nightly process automatically begins the Learning Plan for all practitioners who meet the Rules to Begin a Learning Plan.

    • New in LearningBuilder™ 7.18: When checked, if a user attempts to access this specific learning plan through a Jump Link, and this person meets the Rules to Begin a Learning Plan, the learning plan is automatically started and the user then lands on the new learning plan instance.

    • Note: Prior to LearningBuilder 7.11, Learning Plans will automatically start even if they are outside of the availability dates. See FogBugz case 16590

  • Status upon Completion

    • Choose the new status for the practitioner's role if they successfully complete the Learning Plan.

    • Or, choose "Leave Status Unchanged." 

  • Enable Automatic Status Update

    • Check Enable Automatic Status Update to turn on the Automatic Status Update feature.

    • If this checkbox is not selected, the Status Upon Completion field will not be used by the system, and only serves to document your process.

  • Status upon Expiration

    • Choose the new status for the practitioner's role if they fail to successfully complete the Learning Plan.

  • Enable Automatic Status Update

    • Check Enable Automatic Status Update to turn on the Automatic Status update feature.

    • If this check box is not checked, the Status Upon Expiration field will not be used by the system and will just serve to document your process.

  • Workflow

3. Either click the Save button, or continue on to edit the Learning Plan Begin Settings.


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