Assessment Instance Attribute

Assessment Instance Attribute


Assessment Instance attributes allow a Workflow to contain a reference to a specific Assessment Instance, and allow the Assessment to be launched from the Workflow Popup.


This attribute collects:

Display Modes

In input mode, displays the status of the linked Assessment Instance (if one exists, identical to display mode) and a button to launch that Assessment. 

In display mode, displays the current status only, with no button to launch the Assessment.

Status is represented as a progress bar indicating the number of questions that have been answered.

Data Storage

Stores the ID of the Assessment Instance.

Sample Use Cases
  • Journal-specific evaluation: Activities can be used to represent journal articles that practitioners are expected to read and then answer questions about. Each journal article would be linked to a specific Assessment, so that when a Practitioner adds that article to their Learning Plan the system knows which specific Assessment the user needs to be taken to.
Business Rules
  • Can only be assigned to an Activity Instance.

  • This attribute cannot be copied.

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