Assessment Forms

Assessment Forms


Assessment Forms allow for different "versions" of an Assessment to be configured. This can be used as a security measure, to combat cheating, as well as a way of testing different approaches or evolving the assessment over time.



Each Assessment evaluates knowledge or competency over a specific content domain. However, there may be more than one way of assessing that knowledge:

  • The same questions can be arranged in different sequences, to prevent cheating

  • Different wording can be used for different cohorts, to avoid culture-specific phrases that might be problematic

  • Different types of questions can be used, e.g. multiple choice versus short answer

In LearningBuilder, each Assessment has one or more Forms. Each Form has one or more questions. When a user begins an Assessment through a Workflow, the system automatically chooses a Form to use.

User Stories

  • As a System Configurator, I can create multiple different versions of an Assessment that test the same competencies, but in different ways.

  • As a System Configurator, I can assign different Cut Scores to each Assessment Form, because the Cut Score is intrinsically related to the question configuration.

  • As the system, when a user begins an Assessment, I choose a Form to assign them. I should avoid assigning the same Form multiple times to the same person, unless there are no unused Forms left.

Configuration Summary

  1. Using Admin → Disciplines → Assessments, create an Assessment Definition with multiple Forms

  2. Using Admin → Workflows, add an Assessment Definition attribute to a Create Activity Workflow Step

  3. Using Admin → Activities or Provider → Activities, create or edit an Activity and navigate to the Step containing the Assessment attribute. Select the newly created Assessment.

  4. Using Admin → Workflows, add an Assessment Instance attribute to the Complete Activity Workflow for the Activity Type you edited in step 2. In the attribute configuration, select the Assessment Definition you created in step 1.

  5. Add an Activity Instance, using the modified Complete Activity Workflow, to a Learning Plan and navigate to the Step containing the Assessment Instance attribute. There will be a button that, when clicked, creates an Assessment Instance, associates it with the current user, and links it to the Activity Instance's Workflow Instance.

Selection Rules

  • Forms that are "disabled" are never selected. An Assessment must have at least one enabled Form or else a system error will occur when the user attempts to begin the Assessment.

  • The system chooses a Form based on Priority Groups. (Each Form is assigned a Priority, and lower numbers indicate higher priorities)

    • Identify the highest priority (lowest number) for which there is at least one Form that the user has not attempted. 

    • If multiple Forms exist with the same priority and which the user has not attempted, the system selects one.

    • If the user has attempted all Forms at least once, the system selects one of the previously-attempted Forms to retake. However, as long as two or more active Forms exist, the user should never be assigned the same Form back-to-back. 


  • LearningBuilder 10.0.0 or later


  • Does not support "item-banking", where a single Question is shared between Forms


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Related issues

LB-444, LB-1130


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