Learning Plan Instance Attribute

Learning Plan Instance Attribute


Learning Plan Instance attributes establish a link between a Workflow Instance and a specific Learning Plan Instance.

Primary Business Case

This feature supports the concept of "linked applications" such that in order to complete an application (Learning Plan), an entity is responsible for identifying one or more additional applications that support the primary application.

For example, consider a scenario in which industrial facilities ("Sites") are certified as meeting specific safety or technology standards. In order to obtain such a certification, the facility may need to employ key individuals holding specific credentials. This feature allows those key staff to be identified as part of the Site's application, and if those staff do not possess the necessary credential then an application to obtain it can be automatically started.

Technical Implementation

  1. Learning Plan Instance attribute is added to a Workflow Definition, and one or more Learning Plan Definitions are selected.

  2. When the user interacts with the attribute (through a Workflow Instance), they are shown a list of all Members in the system that are eligible to begin an instance of the selected Learning Plans. (If more than one Learning Plan is selectable, they are displayed once per Learning Plan that can be started; technically speaking, the user is selecting the combination of a Member and a Learning Plan from this list)

  3. Once a Member/Learning Plan is selected, and the Workflow popup is submitted, a new Learning Plan Instance is created for the selected Member.
    1. The newly created Learning Plan Instance Id is stored as the attribute value
    2. The new Learning Plan Instance is owned by the selected Member. 
    3. The user that owns the parent Workflow Instance is assigned as the stakeholder of the newly created Learning Plan Instance


  • The containing Workflow is the Workflow Instance containing the Learning Plan Instance attribute.

  • The newly created Learning Plan Instances is called the linked Learning Plan Instance.

  • The stakeholder is the Member that owns the Workflow Instance containing the Learning Plan Instance attribute. 

Security and Access Control

The stakeholder member has an implicit ability to view the linked Learning Plan Instance, but has no implicit ability to act upon it. However, stakeholders can act on the linked Learning Plan Instance if they own a role that is granted access using the standard Workflow access rules.

When in the Practitioner area, a stakeholder's access to the linked Learning Plan Instance is handled by a stakeholder-specific endpoint that enforces the access control rules. In other areas there is no stakeholder-specific endpoint, and access is handled via that area's "view Practitioner Learning Plan" endpoint. (In other words, the stakeholder's implicit ability to view the linked Learning Plan Instance applies only to the Practitioner area; all other areas of the site rely on the Role-specific access control rules that have been configured).

TODO: DOcument Stakeholder Name and Email attributes

Configuration Summary (assuming a "Key Staff" use case)

Create Activity Type to hold the Key Staff

  1. Create a new Activity Type, or use an existing one, to represent the identification of a Key Staff on a Learning Plan Instance
  2. Modify the Complete Activity Workflow and add a Learning Plan Instance attribute
  3. Create an Activity Definition that can be added to a Learning Plan Instance  

Configure the top-level Learning Plan for the Facility

  1. Configure a Learning Plan Definition with a Task Group to hold the Key Staff applications
  2. Add a pre-added Activity for each "Key Staff" role that needs to be collected
  3. TODO: Requirements model


  • LearningBuilder 9.7.0 or later

Use Cases

  • Workforce management / training

  • Facility certification that requires key staff to hold specific individual credentials


  • Can only be used to create new Learning Plan Instances; will need minor innovation to support use cases that allow the "Site" to select pre-existing Learning Plan Instances

  • Assumes that the entity identifying the "key staff" has specific people in mind and can do a targeted search for them. The UI is not designed for "browsing" a large employee directory.

  • TODO: Access restrictions in Audit/Elig area
  • TODO: No single property on the LPI indicates "is a linked LPI"

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