Workflow Action Badges

Workflow Action Badges

As of Dec 14, 2020 (Release 10.4) Workflow Action Badges are NOT supported on the "Next Generation" Learning Plan. Support is planned at some point in the future.


Workflow Actions are represented on the Workflow Popup as buttons. It is possible to associate a user-specific "completion badge" with an Action such that, if that user has already completed that Action, the button displays a configurable icon.


Action Badges provide a way to provide visual cues on a Workflow button that help users determine "Am I Done With This?". See the sidebar for common use cases.

Implementation Details

  • Badges are user-specific; when the Workflow Button is displayed, the badge for the most recent action taken by the current user is displayed. Badges are useful for helping one user figure out whether they have already done something, but they don't convey whether someone else has done something.

  • Badges are automatically cleared when the Workflow is moved to a new Step. If a Workflow is on Step 1 and an Action is taken and a badge is displayed, but then the Workflow is moved to Step 2, and then moved back to Step 1, the badge will NOT be displayed. 

  • Badges only appear on active Workflow Buttons that the user can act on.

  • Badges are controlled by the "EnableCompletionBadgeChecking" feature toggle and can be disabled for performance or troubleshooting purposes. They are enabled by default.

Use Cases

Use cases for Action Badges include:

  • Multi-user review Steps: In some configurations, multiple Reviewers must provide feedback during a review. Once each Reviewer has completed their portion then it's "done" from their perspective, but the Workflow Button will remain orange until all other reviewers have completed their portions AND someone has pushed the Workflow to the next Step. Badges provide an easy way for each Reviewer to differentiate between the things in the queue that they have reviewed, and those they have not.

  • "Snoozing" an item in a queue: In some cases, users of a queue may choose to work items out of sequence. For instance, at the end of a workweek someone may be looking for something "easy" to knock out and may desire to skip over more complex tasks that could not easily be completed before the end of the day. A "snooze" button could be implemented with a badge to help the user differentiate which items they have already looked at (and elected not to work on) from those that are newly added to the queue and haven't been initially triaged yet.

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