Data Source Description: Application (Learning Plan) Definition
View Type | Reporting |
English Name | Application Definition |
Description | List of all learning plan definitions. |
Content | This view provides a list of all Application / Learning Plan Definitions in the LearningBuilder instance. It contains configuration and content information, including workflow status, whether it is legacy or version two display, starting requirements, availability and reporting requirements, and information about the status of a user role upon start and completion |
Suggested uses for this view include:
Reporting on the change of available learning plans over time
Viewing the applications that can be automatically started and the requirements for that functionality
Reviewing all applications that could be tracked in the system based on application type
Data Fields
Field Name | English Name | Description | Notes | Available in LearningBuilder Version |
WorklfowInstanceId | Workflow Instance ID | Foreign Key to Workflow Instance | Ā | Ā |
LearningPlanId (ITEM_ID) | Learning Plan ID | Foreign Key to Learning Plan Definition | Ā | Ā |
CreatedOn | Created On | Ā | Pulled from ITEM table entry | Ā |
IsDeleted | Is Deleted | Ā | Pulled from ITEM table entry | New Request |
Status | Status | Status of LP Defintion | Pulled from ITEM table WF_STATUS_ID (New (1001), Published (1002), Archived (1003?)) | New Request |
VersionTwoPlanView (USE_VERSION_TWO_LEARNING_PLAN_VIEW) | Version Two Plan View | Ā | Ā | Ā |
TenantID | Tenant ID | Ā | Ā | Ā |
LearningPlanTitle | Learning Plan Title | Ā | Ā | Ā |
MinimumUnits | Minimum Units | Ā | Ā | Ā |
WorkflowInstanceModifiedOn | Workflow Modified On | Ā | Ā | Ā |
WorkflowId | Workflow ID | Foreign Key to Workflow | Ā | Ā |
Description | Learning Plan Description | Ā | Ā | Ā |
RoleToStartId | Role Needed to Start ID | ID of role needed to start an LPI of this definition | Ā | Ā |
RoleToStart | Role Needed to Start | Ā | Ā | Ā |
StatusToStart | Status Needed to Start | Ā | Ā | Ā |
SortOrder | Sort Order | Ā | Ā | Ā |
MemberStatusUponCompletionId | Member Status Upon Completion ID | Ā | Ā | Ā |
MemberStatusUponCompletion | Member Status Upon Completion | Ā | Ā | Ā |
MemberStatusUponExpirationId | Member Status Upon Expiration ID | Ā | Ā | Ā |
MemberStatusUponExpiration | Member Status Upon Expiration | Title from Custom List Item | Ā | Ā |
CycleId | Cycle Interval ID | Foreign Key to Interval | Ā | Ā |
AvailabilityId | Availability Interval ID | Foreign Key to Interval | Ā | Ā |
ReportingId | Reporting Interval ID | Foreign Key to Interval | Ā | Ā |
AppelateLearningPlanId | Appellate Learning Plan ID | Foreign Key to Learning Plan Def | Ā | Ā |
AppelateLearningPlan | Appellate Learning Plan | Title from Item | Ā | Ā |
LearningPlanTypeId | Learning Plan Type ID | Ā | Ā | Ā |
LearningPlanType | Learning Plan Type | Ā | Ā | Ā |
AutoUpdateStatusUponCompletion | Auto Update Status Upon Completion | Ā | Ā | Ā |
AutoUpdateStatusUponExpiration | Auto Update Status Upon Expiration | Ā | Ā | Ā |
CycleSeedAttributeID (CYCLE_SEED_ITEM_ID) | Cycle Seed Attribute ID | Ā | Ā | Ā |
CycleSeedAttribute | Cycle Seed Attribute | From ITEM_ATTRIBUTE | Ā | Ā |
AllowUpdateAnyStatus | Allow Update In Any Status | Ā | Ā | Ā |
BeginAutomatically | Begin Automatically | Ā | Ā | Ā |
DatesDontApply | Dates Don't Apply | Ā | Ā | Ā |
SeedDateStrategy | Seed Date Strategy | Ā | Ā | Ā |
BulkTriggerButtonText | Bulk Trigger Button Text | Ā | Ā | Ā |
BulkPopupTitle | Bulk Popup Title | Ā | Ā | Ā |
BulkShowClearSelectedActivities | Bulk Show Clear Selected Activities | Ā | Ā | Ā |
BulkAssignmentCustomDatabaseObjectId | Bulk Assignment Custom Database Object ID | Ā | Ā | Ā |
BulkAssignmentCustomDatabaseObject | Bulk Assignment Custom Database Object | Ā | Ā | Ā |
BulkAssignToLearningPlanId | Bulk Assign To Learning Plan ID | Ā | Ā | Ā |
BulkAssignToLearningPlan | Bulk Assign To Learning Plan | Ā | Ā | Ā |
BulkAssignmentInstructions | Bulk Assignment Instructions | Ā | Ā | Ā |
PractitionerAccessWhenId | Practitioner Access When Comparison Rule ID | Ā | Ā | Ā |
LockedMessage | Locked Message | Ā | Ā | Ā |
HideReportingDatesFromPractitioner | Hide Reporting Dates From Practitioner | Ā | Ā | Ā |
ShowBeginButtonForGrantableRole | Show Begin Button For Grantable Role | Ā | Ā | Ā |
StartOnStepId | Start On Step ID | Foreign Key to Workflow Step table | Ā | Ā |
StartOnStep | Start On Step | From WorkflowStep table | Ā | Ā |
OnStartExecuteActionId | On Start Execute Action ID | Foreign Key to Workflow Step Action table | Ā | Ā |
OnStartExecuteAction | On Start Execute Action | From Workflow Step Action table | Ā | Ā |
CompentencyModelId | Competency Model ID | Ā | Ā | Ā |
CompetencyModel | Competency Model | Ā | Ā | Ā |
ShowBeginButtonForRequiredRoleAndStatus | Show Begin Button For Required Role and Status | Ā | Ā | Ā |
PostCreateHookObjectId | Post Create Hook Database Object ID | Ā | Ā | Ā |
PostCreateHookObject | Post Create Hook Database Object | Ā | Ā | Ā |
CanStartNewInstanceWhen | Can Start New Instance When | Ā | Ā | Ā |
ShowWorkflowFooter | Show Workflow Footer | Ā | Ā | Ā |