Complete Learning Plan Workflow
Describes the types of Workflows used to control the flow of an Application (a.k.a., Learning Plan).
Complete Learning Plan Workflows
A Complete Learning Plan Workflow provides the sequence for collecting data about an Application. Where Complete Activity Workflows govern the data entry and review processes for individual pieces of information on an Application, the Complete Learning Plan Workflow governs the progression of the Application as a whole.
The Complete Learning Plan Workflow begins when someone starts an Application, typically from the Application List page.
To begin a Complete Learning Plan Workflow, the following conditions must be in place:
- the person completing the Application must possess the Role assigned as the Owner on Step 1 of the Workflow Definition (most likely [[Owner]])
- the Role must be assigned as the Role available to the Application (a.k.a., Learning Plan) (e.g., "Practitioner" for an application for initial certification or renewal).
- the Role Status of the person completing the Application must be in the assigned Status of the Application (e.g., "Applicant" for someone applying for initial certification).
- the Complete Learning Plan Workflow must be set to "Enabled."
- the Application (a.k.a., Learning Plan) must be published.
- the Application (a.k.a., Learning Plan) must be within any "Availability Dates" set on the Application.
These Workflows can be started from:
- The Learning Plan List page
- Within another Learning Plan if it is a "nested" Learning Plan
- By the system if the Automatically Create attribute on the Learning Plan definition is selected
The Complete Learning Plan Workflow accesses areas of the system not available to other workflows. For example:
- Has access to the Learning Plan Instance definition, including Reporting and Cycle dates;
- Can update Learning Plan Instance definition, including Reporting and Cycle dates;
- Defines the Active Role on the Eligibility or Audit Queues
Related articles
API/WorkflowInstance/PerformStep (LearningBuilder Documentation)
API/WorkflowInstance/PerformImportStep (LearningBuilder Documentation)