Members and Organizations

Members and Organizations

Quick explanation of the difference between PERSON and ORGANIZATION type Members.

Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 for 11.0.10

Introducing “Member Type”

Every person or company in LearningBuilder is a Member. They live in the same tables in the database, they are able to log in, and they have a lot of the same functionality.

However, there are two distinct types of Members, indicated by the MemberType property:

  • PERSON - The Member represents an individual

  • ORGANIZATION - The Member represents a company or organization, not a specific person

The Member Type is displayed on the Account Profile screen:

Member Type is indicated on the Account Profile screen

People vs Organizations in LearningBuilder








Allows a single individual to log in and manage their own credentialing account.

Also used to represent a specific Staff member of an Organization.

Allows a corporate entity to maintain a “root account” that “owns” its data, while allowing Staff members to log in and manage that data.

How is the Member identified?

People have a “First Name” and a “Last Name”

Organizations have a single “Member Name”

Organizations also have a “Website” field

Typical default Role



Can the Member have “staff” users beneath it?


Yes. See Training - Intro to Providers and Organization Staff

Can the Member own Activity Definitions?


Yes. Providers can create Activities, and their staff members can manage those Activities.

Can the Member own Learning Plan Instances?



Staff members cannot manage the Learning Plans owned by their parent Organization. The Organization must log in as itself to act on its Learning Plans.

Can the Member be listed within a complex hierarchy of accounts?

Only at a “leaf” level; People can belong to an Organization, but a Person cannot belong to another Person.

Organizations can be placed into a hierarchy representing departments of a larger entity (e.g. the government), different regions of a large corporation, etc.

See Organization Hierarchy

How are permissions determined?

A Person “has” all of the Permissions linked to each of their granted Roles.


Registering a new Organization account





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