

“Attendance” is not a technical concept in LearningBuilder, it’s a term that is frequently used to describe a specific sort of use case.


In LearningBuilder, the term “Attendance” refers to records representing that a specific Practitioner has completed a specific learning activity, typically proctored by a Provider. Examples include attending a course, completing some computer based training, etc.

Technically speaking Attendance records are normal Activity Instances; the distinction is a business one, not a technical one. 

The following are frequently associated with Attendance:

  • Activities are owned or created by Providers

  • Staff members of those Providers log into LearningBuilder (as themselves) and use the Provider area to work on their parent Provider’s data

  • When a Practitioner completes a learning activity, the Provider (or their staff) enters it through LearningBuilder on behalf of the Practitioner. These Activity Instances are considered “Provider verified” because they were entered by the Provider, not the Practitioner.

Technical Details

When adding the AI via the legacy attendance upload feature, LearningBuilder will look for an incomplete application with Cycle Dates where the completion date of the AI falls within. If there are multiple LPIs that match that criteria it will fail. If no incomplete LPIUs are found it will look for completed LPIs and if none are found a new LPI will be started. The task group it is added to is the first task group that accepts that activity type, if none, uses the first task group at the top.

Ways of entering Attendance records





One-by-one manual entry via
Provider → Enter Attendance

Used by a Provider, or their Staff, to manually enter a single Attendance record (e.g. create a single Activity Instance).

Uses a fixed data form that is not configurable.

File upload using
Provider → Upload Attendance

Used by a Provider, or their Staff, to upload multiple Attendance records as a CSV file.

File upload using
Admin → Import Data

Used by an Administrator (not a Provider) to import Activity Instance data via the Workflow Import Queue.


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