WIQ Error Numbers (Workflow Import Queue)

WIQ Error Numbers (Workflow Import Queue)

The Workflow Import Queue can fail to process a given file row for many different reasons. There may be invalid data in the row, the system might be unable to determine how to process the row given the Workflow configuration, or the row might violate custom Validation Rules.

When a file row cannot be processed for some reason other than a custom Validation Rule, the error message will include a unique Error Number that identifies that specific condition. You can reference those numbers here for more information about them.

Have an error message without a “WIQ-xxx” number?

If your error message does not end in a “WIQ-xxx” number, then it is probably not a system error. It may be a custom business rule in the Workflow configuration instead.

Error Number Ranges

All errors related to the Workflow Import Queue will start with the WIQ- prefix, such as “WIQ-100”.





WIQ-0xx through WIQ-4xx

Application level validation

WIQ-5xx through WIQ-6xx

Database level validation

Error Numbers

Error Number


Error Number



“You do not have permission to add Activities to <Task Group>”

You are trying to add new Activity Instances to a Task Group on your own Learning Plan Instance, but the Group settings prevent the owner from being able to add Activities.


“You cannot add Activities to <Learning Plan> at this time”

You are trying to add new Activity Instances to your own Learning Plan Instance, but it does not allow you to do so in its current state.

This could mean that it is currently locked, completed, or is otherwise read-only for you.


“You do not have permission to add Activities to <Task Group> on behalf of the Learning Plan owner”

You do not have permission to add new Activity Instances to the target Task Group.

This means that either the Task Group does not allow “others” (e.g. anyone other than the Learning Plan Instance owner) to add Activities, or you do not have the “Add Activity for Practitioner” permission.


“Unable to start <Learning Plan> because Member is not eligible”

The described Learning Plan Instance does not already exist, and the specified Member lacks the Role or Role Status required to start a new one.


“Unable to start <Learning Plan> because it cannot be started via the UI or an import”

The described Learning Plan Instance does not already exist, and a new one cannot be started because the Learning Plan Definition is configured to suppress the “Begin” button from showing up. TODO: This is likely a defect, shouldn’t be enforced.


“<Activity Type> cannot be added to <Task Group>”

You have attempted to add a new Activity Instance to a Task Group that does not accept the related Activity Type.

If you did not intend to add to this Task Group, you can identify the intended one by adding the :TaskGroupName identifier column to your file.


“Unable to start a new Learning Plan because Member was not identified during validation routine”

This error should not occur during normal operating conditions. If you encounter it, please report it to a system administrator.


“One or more empty column headers were found. Data files cannot contain empty column headers.”

Your data file should not contain any empty headers.

If it doesn’t look like you have any empty headers, then make sure that Excel is not including empty columns at the end of your file. This can happen if you have a whitespace value (like a single space) in a data column, which will force Excel to export a CSV with an empty header as well.


“The field <name> is not supported for this import process. Please remove it from your file and try again.”

The column <name> is a valid import field, but it isn’t accepted for this specific import process. This typically means that the import process is configured with a hardcoded value for that field, and that value cannot be overridden by user data.


“Found more than one Attribute matching <name>”

The column “<name>” could not be mapped to a single, unique data field in LearningBuilder. This may indicate misconfiguration, or a runtime error. Please contact your analyst for support.


“Picklist Attribute <name> has an invalid Custom List Id”

The column “<name>” maps to a Picklist Attribute that is misconfigured and cannot be populated. Please contact your analyst for support.


“Value <value> is not valid for <name>. Invalid Custom List value.”

The column “<name>” maps to a Picklist Attribute, and the value that was provided is not a valid item in the related Custom List.


“Value <value> is not valid for <name>. Custom List does not accept custom values.”

Column <name> maps to a Picklist Attribute, and the value being uploaded is a “custom list item” that was provided by the user and does not match a pre-defined list. However, this Picklist Attribute does not accept custom values. Please upload an approved value for this field.


“Required field(s) are missing: <names>”

One or more required columns were not found in the file. These columns are required by the Workflow Step that is handling the import.


“Required field(s) are empty: <names>”

One or more required columns were provided, but were empty. These values are required by the Workflow Step that is handling the import.


"One or more fields were passed an invalid numeric value: <names>"

One or more columns were provided, but were invalid. The value could not be parsed as a number.


“Multiselect Attribute <name> has an invalid Custom List Id”

The column “<name>” maps to a Multiselect Attribute that is misconfigured and cannot be populated. Please contact your analyst for support.


“Value <value> is not valid for <name>. Invalid Custom List value.”

The column “<name>” maps to a Multiselect Attribute, and the value that was provided is not a valid item in the related Custom List.


“Value <value> is not valid for <name>. Custom List does not accept custom values.”

Column <name> maps to a Multiselect Attribute, and the value being uploaded is a “custom list item” that was provided by the user and does not match a pre-defined list. However, this Multiselect Attribute does not accept custom values. Please upload an approved value for this field.


“Value “<value>” is not valid for <“name>”. Learning Plan is not supported by this import process.

You have identified a Learning Plan that is not supported by the import process you are trying to complete. Please confirm that you are identifying the correct one. If you think you are, then please contact support for assistance.


“Value “<value>” is not valid for <“name>”. Role is not supported by this import process.

You have identified a Role that is not supported by the import process you are trying to complete. Please confirm that you are identifying the correct one. If you think you are, then please contact support for assistance.


“Field "<value>” does not support the value "<value>" for this import process. This field is not required, so you can either provide a supported value, or remove it from your file entirely.”

You have identified a column that was defined with a default value by the import process. If you remove the column or value it will allow submission.


“Cannot start a new Learning Plan: zero Learning Plans matched the included criteria”

You are trying to start a Learning Plan during a Member Role Import, but no published Learning Plans match your Learning Plan and Role identifiers. Double check that you are spelling names correctly.


“Cannot start a new Learning Plan: multiple Learning Plans matched the included criteria”

You are trying to start a Learning Plan during a Member Role Import, but multiple published Learning Plans match your Learning Plan and Role identifiers. To fix this you can either provide additional Role identifiers to help narrow the search, or you can use :LearningPlanId instead.


“None of the required identifier columns were provided”

The system was unable to identify the Learning Plan Instance to update or create. See the list of accepted file formats.


“Found 0 updateable Learning Plans matching <criteria>”

The system was unable to identify an existing Learning Plan Instance that matches the specified criteria and that can be updated by a Data Import Step.

This can indicate that no such record exists, or that no suitable Data Import Steps exist.


“Found more than one candidate Data Import Step for Workflow <name>. Please add :WorkflowStepName or :WorkflowStepId to your file”

Multiple Data Import Steps could apply to this import operation. You can try again after identifying a specific Step within the file itself.


“Found multiple Learning Plans matching <criteria>. Please provide a more specific set of identifiers.”

More than one Learning Plan Instance exists and matches the specified criteria. Updates can only be performed when the criteria describe exactly one existing record. See the list of accepted file formats.


“No Member Role identifiers were provided. File must specify :MemberRoleId, or :UniqueId plus a Role identifier”

This means that the system was unable to identify the Member Role to update or create.

Possible reasons include:

  • The file did not contain either :MemberRoleId, or :UniqueId and a Role name or ID;

  • The :UniqueId column in the file was empty

See the list of accepted file formats


“Insufficient Member Role identifiers were provided; :UniqueId was provided without a Role identifier”

A Member Role can be specified by the combination of a :UniqueId and a unique Role identifier. Your file only included the :UniqueId, which is not enough to do an update or insert.


“Found 0 Roles matching <criteria>”

Your file contains invalid Role identifiers.


“Found 0 Member Roles and 0 Members matching <criteria>. Cannot create a new Member without :Email

No Member Role was found matching your criteria, nor was an existing Member identified.

A new Member Role can only be created after creating a new Member, which cannot happen because the :Email column was not provided. This value is required to identify the newly created Member.


“Role <name> requires :RoleLabel, which was not provided”

The identified Role is a “multi-instance” Role. The :RoleLabel column is required, but was not found. Please try again including the Label of the Member Role to insert or update.

See the list of accepted file formats for more information.


“Role <name> requires :RoleLabel, which was empty”

Cannot create a new Member Role because the specified Role is a “multi-instance” Role, but the :RoleLabel column was empty. A label is required for multi-instance Roles.


“Found multiple Member Roles matching <criteria>. Role <name> requires :RoleLabel, which was empty”

Multiple Member Roles exist matching your criteria, and the :RoleLabel column was empty. The specified Role is a “multi-instance” Role and requires a non-empty Label value to uniquely identify the Member Role to insert or update.


“Found Existing Member Role matching <criteria>. A new Member Role cannot be added”

A Member Role matching the Role and the :RoleLabel was found; however the Unique Identifier did not match.

The specified Role is a “multi-instance” Role and we cannot update the Member Role because all of the criteria do not match, nor can we insert a new Member Role because one already exists for the Role / Label combination.


“A MemberRole was requested to be created but already exists and cannot have multiple instances”

A Member Role matching the Role and the Member was found; however the Unique Identifier did not match.

The specified Role does not allow multiple instances, so a new Member Role cannot be created. To update the existing Member Role instead, modify your input file to match the Unique Identifier in the database.


“Found 0 Member Roles matching <criteria>. Cannot create a new one because multiple Members matched <criteria>”

The system cannot create a new Member Role without being able to uniquely identify the Member it belongs to, and more than one matched your criteria. Please try again with a more specific set of identifiers that uniquely identifies exactly one Member.

See the list of accepted file formats for more information.


“Found multiple Member Roles matching <criteria>. Please provide a more specific set of identifiers.”

The file described more than one existing Member Role. In order to update one, provide more information to uniquely describe the specific record to modify.

See the list of accepted file formats for more information.


“Found multiple candidate Learning Plans matching <criteria>. Please provide a more specific set of identifiers.”

The file described more than one updateable Learning Plan Instance. Please provide more information that uniquely describes a single matching record.

If :CompletionDate was used as criteria, then the the “Dates For Attendance Reporting” configuration on the Learning Plan Definition were used to identify the candidates.


“The Activity must be identified by either :ActivityId or :ActivityItemId

The file did not identify the Activity to add.

See the list of accepted file formats for more information.


“Found 0 Activities matching <criteria>”

The file did not identify a valid Activity to add.


“The Activity matching <criteria> does not have a properly configured Complete Activity Workflow”

The file identified a valid Activity, but its configuration is incomplete and it cannot be added.

This is a system configuration issue, not a data file issue.


“Please specify :LearningPlanId, :LearningPlanName, or :ActivityInstanceId

You must either identify an existing Activity Instance to update, or identify the Learning Plan to add a new Activity Instance to.

See the list of accepted file formats for more information.


“Found 0 Learning Plans matching <criteria>“, or
”Missing Member Role for <application> matching <criteria>”

The file specified an invalid Learning Plan Definition.

If :CompletionDate was used in the import data then the settings in the “Activity Import / Upload” sections of the Learning Plan configuration are used to determine which Learning Plan Instances are “valid” to receive the Activity.


“Found 0 Task Groups matching <criteria> that accept Activity Type <type>”

The system cannot add the Activity Instance to a Task Group that is not configured to accept it. If this is not the desired Task Group, you can specify a different one using :TaskGroupName.


“Cannot start a new Learning Plan because the Member or Member Role that should own it was not identified”

No existing Learning Plan Instance was found, and a new one cannot be started because the owner was not identified in the file.

See the list of accepted file formats for more information.


“Cannot start a new Learning Plan because no Member or Member Role matching <criteria> was found”

No existing Learning Plan Instance was found, and a new one cannot be started because the file identifies an invalid Member or Member Role as the owner.


“Found 0 existing records matching <criteria>”

Cannot update an existing Activity Instance because no existing record matches the criteria.


Cannot add to/update Task Group “<name>” (ID #<id>) because one or more required columns were missing from the file: {missing columns, with colon prefix}

The surrogate key list is incomplete for the task group to perform an UPSERT


Cannot add to Task Group “<name>” (ID #<id>) because one or more required columns were missing from the file: {missing columns, without colon prefix}

The surrogate key list is incomplete for the task group to perform an INSERT


Cannot add {Activity Number} to Task Group “<name>” (ID #<id>) because a matching record already exists (duplicate {surrogate key column list})

The import record could not be inserted based on the surrogate key


Cannot add/update {Activity Number} for Task Group “<name>” (ID #<id>) because the surrogate key is not unique (duplicate {surrogate key column list})

The import record could not be inserted based on the surrogate key


Cannot update existing record #<id>. It matches the surrogate key ({surrogate key column list}) but is for Activity Number {Existing Activity Number} rather than {Activity Number}

The import record cannot update an existing activity instance because of the Activity Number mismatch


:MemberNumber {id} and :Email {email} match conflicting records

The row could not be processed because the Member and Member Role identifiers match too many potential records.

For instance:

  • The Member Role identifiers match an existing Member Role, but the Email identifiers match a different Member. Can’t be sure the incoming data is valid, so it is rejected.

  • No existing Member Role is found to update, and the Member identifiers map to more than one candidate Member. Can’t uniquely identify a single Member to get a new Member Role, so the row is rejected.


Invalid email address {email}

Email addresses in the “:Email” column must have one, and only one, “@” symbol, which cannot be at the start or end of the email address.



“Workflow <id> was not found”

Notify your system administrator. This should not happen during normal usage of the system. It indicates that the processing queue is trying to perform an Import Step of a Workflow that doesn’t exist.


“Found multiple Import Actions on the <name> Workflow. Please identify a Step or Action in the file”

More than one Action could be executed for this row. Please specify the one you wish to execute.

You can do this by uniquely identifying a specific Action, using :WorkflowActionName, or by identifying a specific Import Step that only has a single Action, using :WorkflowStepName.


“You do not have permission to perform any Import Actions on the <name> Workflow”

You do not have the permissions to perform the target Action. This could be due to the access restrictions on the Data Import Step, or on the Actions on that Step.


“Found 0 Import Actions on the <name> Workflow”

No Actions were found on Data Import Steps of the specified Workflow. This may indicate that the Workflow is not properly configured for the Workflow Import Queue.


“Action <name> can only be performed against Incomplete Workflows, but the target entity is already Completed”

The system is trying to execute an Action against a Workflow Instance that is in a complete state, but the Data Import Step configuration prevents this.

This may indicate that the file is targeting the wrong entity, or that the Data Import Step configuration needs updated.

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