Provider -> Upload Attendance

Provider -> Upload Attendance

For more information, see Attendance


The Provider → Attendance → Upload Attendance feature allows a Provider to upload information about Practitioners that have completed learning activities offered by that Provider.

That data is turned into Activity Instance records on the Practitioner’s Learning Plans.

Since the data is being uploaded by the Provider that proctored or delivered the content, this is more accurate than Practitioner-reported data and reduces the data entry burden on Practitioners as well.



  • The file must meet LearningBuilder's CSV File Guidelines.

  • *Role, ID or Primary Email, First Name and Last Name are required for adding a new person.

  • *Role, ID or Primary Email, and Member Name are required for adding a new organization.

  • *Role, ID or Primary Email, and the field(s) being updated are required for updates.

    • When updating an existing member, the system will first look for a member based on ID, if provided.  If the ID is found (and it matches one and only one member), that member will be updated and either the Role will be added, if the member does not already have the role, or updated if they do.  If member already has the role and the ID does not match the ID on the role, the update will fail.  If the member currently has a different email address, it will update email address, even if the email duplicates that of another member.

    • If a member with the given ID is not found or an ID is not provided, the system will look for a member based on email. If the email is found (and it matches one and only one member), that member will be updated and either the Role will be added, if the member does not already have the role, or updated if they do.  If the member already has the role, an ID column was in the file, and the ID in the file doesn't match the ID on the member's role, the update will fail.

    • When adding a role to an existing member, the role must be for a member type matching that of the member, otherwise the update will fail.

    • If the member is not found by ID or Email, the system will add a new member, and at a minimum, either the First and Last name of Member Name is required, otherwise the add will fail.

  • All fields not being updated should be removed from the file.

  • Updates will overwrite existing data with data in the file, even if the field is blank. Therefore, you should just delete from the file any fields that you don't wish to update. The exception is the Notes field. These will be appended.

    • NOTE: If a Role is using the Label field, this MUST be included in the upload file or the data in the Label field will be cleared out.  This is a known issues that will be fixed in a future release.

  • Updates will not change any columns not included in the update file.

    • When updating an address, any address fields omitted will be set to blank.

  • There is no provision to remove an address or phone number.

  • If there is more than one existing phone or address of the type specified, it will not be updated. If the user does not have a phone or address entry of the type specified, it will be added.

  • Multiple Addresses of the same type can be added or updated if they have different Address Names. As a result, the Address Type and Name of an existing address cannot be updated (new for LearningBuilder 7.17).

  • All data in the file must be valid or the entire file will be rejected.

  • The Make Contact Info Available value is not supported via CSV upload. This value is automatically set to true for Organizations and false for Person type Members.

  • As of version 8.14.0 (and earlier), uploading an ORGANIZATION type Member does not make the Organization a Staff Member of itself. Please open a Support ticket if you need assistance with this.

Data file specifications


Data Type/Maximum Size




Data Type/Maximum Size



Member Name


The name of the organization when the member is an organization.  This field is automatically set to the First and Last Name.

Required for Organizations; must be omitted for People



Title of Member

Optional for People; must be omitted for Organizations

First Name


First Name of Member

Optional unless adding a new person. Required when included in header; must be omitted for Organizations

Middle Name


Middle Name of Member

Optional for People; must be omitted for Organizations

Last Name


Last Name of Member

Optional unless adding a new person. Required when included in header; must be omitted for Organizations



Suffix of Member

Optional for People; must be omitted for Organizations

Alternate Name


Alternate Name used on formal certificates.

Optional for People; must be omitted for Organizations



Website of the member; including the http:// or https:// prefix.




Description of the member.


Primary Email


Email address used for communicating with user. Used to find member record to update if member was not found by ID. Used as User ID component of login credentials.

Optional unless your configuration requires email addresses.

  • Required when adding new people.  

  • Column must not be blank when included in header.

Required if ID is not provided.



The initial password for the member. 

Optional. Used when adding a new member.  It is ignored on updates.

Record Status


See definition in Members section.

Optional. Defaults to Active. If provided, must be a valid value.

Opt out of directory


See definition in Members section.

Optional. If provided, must be either "Listed in Directory" or "NOT Listed in Directory."

Make Contact Info Available


We do not support setting the Make Contact Info Available via the CSV file. Therefore, we are temporarily hard coding the setting of this value to be true for Organizations and false for Person type Members during upload.

 Not Supported in CSV

Phone Type


See definition in Addresses and Phone Numbers.

Optional unless Phone Number is provided.

Phone Number


Must include formatting. Ex: (800) 555-1212 or 800.555.1212

Optional unless Phone Type is provided.

Address Type


See definition in Addresses and Phone Numbers.

Optional unless Address Line 1, City, or Country is provided. Must be a valid Address Type.

Address Name


Location Name of the address; usually used with Organizations.

Optional.  When included, combined with Address Type to identify an existing address to update.  Providing a new Address Name will NOT update an existing address.  Instead it will create a new address of the same type.

Address Line 1


Address Line 1

Optional unless Address Type is provided.

Address Line 2


Address Line 2


Address Line 3


Address Line 3





Optional unless Address Type is provided.


U.S. State (use Province field for Foreign countries).

Optional. Must be two characters.

Mail Code


Postal or Zip Code.




Required for each address.

Optional unless Address Type is provided.



Provided when Country is not USA.




Any text to be appended to profile record as a Note.




The role to add or update.  See the section on Roles. If the role type is 'Member', the Label, Status, ID, Begin Date, End Date, and [Custom Fields] are supported. If the role type is 'Staff', the Staff Of field is required to identify the organization.

Required. Must be a valid Role.

Staff Of


The Member Name or Unique ID belonging to the Organization for which this user should become a Staff Member.

Required when Role is role type is 'Staff'; must be omitted otherwise. 

Parent Member


The Member Name or Unique ID belonging to the Organization for which is the payment member of this organization. New in LearningBuilder 8.4. 

Optional.  Only applies to Organizations; must be omitted for People.  
Must not be this organization.  
Must not be an organization that is a child of this organization.



See definition in Member Role Intrinsic Fields.

Optional unless role allows multiple instances. Must be omitted when Role is a role type of Staff.
NOTE: If used on a role that does NOT have multiple instances, this field MUST be included in the upload file or the value will be cleared out.  This is a known defect to be fixed in a future release.



See definition in Member Role Intrinsic Fields.

Optional. Defaults to the Default Status defined for the Role when adding a new member. If provided, it must be a value in the Status List for the role. Must be omitted when Role is a role type of Staff.



See definition in Member Role Intrinsic Fields.  Used to find the member to update. If member is not found by ID, then Primary Email is used.  NOTE: If a Primary Email column is not in the file, then this field must be 'ID'. A mixed case of 'Id' will not be accepted.

Required unless Primary Email is provided. Must be omitted when Role is a role type of Staff.

Begin Date


See definition in Member Role Intrinsic Fields.

Optional; must be omitted when Role is a role type of Staff.

End Date


See definition in Member Role Intrinsic Fields.

Optional; must be omitted when Role is a role type of Staff.

[Custom Fields]


Client specific fields for the role.

Optional. Field names must correspond to the Data Field Name used when adding the Extrinsic Field to the Member Role - Grant or Member Role - Edit Workflows. Not supported when Role is a role type of Staff.

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