Staff Accounts
See also: Organization Staff and Staff Roles
Staff accounts are established between a Person and an Organization that they can act on behalf of.
Make sure you understand Staff Roles before reading further.
Creating and removing Staff accounts
Staff accounts are created by Administrators in the Admin → Profile → Staff List page. It is not currently possible for an Organization user to add its own Staff members.
If a Member
with the specified email address does not exist, a new one will be created.
A newly created staff member will not have an assigned password and will be unable to log in until a password is assigned via the Admin → Member Profile → Set Password page.
The “Organization Staff” Member Role is automatically granted when the Staff record is created (unless the Staff person already has it).
How to find out if someone is staff of an Organization
You can find out if a Member is assigned to an Organization either through the Organization or the Individual.
From the individual’s account
Go to either My Account or Admin → Members → Member Profile and use the “Providers” 3rd level navigation link.
From the organization’s account
Go to either My Account or Admin → Members → Member Profile and use the “Staff” 3rd level navigation link.