Discount Codes

Discount Codes


Some programs negotiate special application fees or discounts for their employees. The Discount Codes method uses a combination of Template Attributes and Learning Plan Configuration settings to diversify payment options.

Business Case

Organizations who have many employees seeking or maintaining certification may use Discount Codes to reduce or defray the cost of applications:

  1. Negotiate payment terms with the Program. Terms can include pre-purchasing a specific number of applications, or negotiating discounts for their employees;
  2. Organizations share Discount Codes for their employees;

Circumstances most likely to benefit:

  • The Organization has an unknown number of Applicants;
  • The Organization is not concerned with non-Employees using the Discount Code;
  • The Organization does not want to manage individual certification Activity
  • The Organization wishes to manage purchases by check instead of credit card


  • More difficult than other methods to prevent non-employees from using the Discount Code;
  • The payment arrangements for pre-purchasing must be managed outside LearningBuilder;
  • Relies on Template attributes and configuration rather than first-class features, so may be more brittle than other approaches

User Stories

The following user stories govern the Discount Code approach:

  • As an Organization, I negotiate terms with the Program defining how my Discount Codes will work. Examples of Discount Codes:
    • The Organization pays for the full amount of the Application
    • The Organization pays for a partial amount of the Application
    • The Program bills the Organization in advance for a specific number of Applications
    • The Program bills the Organization in advance for an unspecified number of Applications
    • The Program bills the Organization retroactively for those who use the Discount Code
  • As the Program, I assign the Organization a Discount Code
  • As the Organization, I distribute the Discount Code to my Employees
  • As an Employee, I enter the Discount Code during the payment process to defray some or all of my Application fees


  1. Configure a Learning Plan Configuration variable to contain a Template that calculates payment amounts based on Discount Codes;
  2. Configure a field on the Workflow that collects Payment to calculate the payment amount for the Payment attribute.
  3. Configure a reconciliation report that shows who used the Discount Codes so that the Employer can confirm that the people using the Discount Code are employees;
  4. As an optional process, it may make sense to ask individuals to align themselves with an Employer. This approach will provide some additional validation. The validation will be imperfect, and may cause additional complexity, but may be preferred. To ask individuals to affiliate themselves with an Employer:
    1. Create an Attribute on the Practitioner Role to capture Employer;
      1. The Employer can be:
        1. A Custom List
        2. A Member Attribute that draws from Organizational participants

The supervisor Member should be able to access Responsible Party → Pending Payment Queue to view a list of all supervisee Workflows that are currently on a Step with a Payment. From this queue the supervisor can bulk-select the ones to pay and make a credit card payment.


  • Version: 
  • A Discount Code negotiated outside the LearningBuilder system
  • A Template Data type to calculate payments
  • Learning Plan Configuration variables for discount codes

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