File Libraries

File Libraries

All files that are uploaded as part of a Workflow are stored in one or more File Libraries, which serve to organize the files into different groups.


By default, all uploaded files go into a single library, and all Upload Attributes allow previously uploaded files to be re-used. 

However, there are some additional use cases that require additional segmentation:

  • When a Reviewer or Administrator attaches a file as part of their review, but the file contains privileged information that should not be available to the Practitioner;

  • When a given application collects a lot of files for different purposes, and those files are often attached to multiple applications. In this case, the user experience would be improved by only showing the user a list of relevant files, rather than the master list of all files.

Changing an Upload Attribute to point to a new Library will NOT impact existing data and may cause issues when displaying or accessing those pre-existing files.

Changing a Library’s “storage location” (local server vs S3), or the details of the backing S3 bucket, is not supported and may cause issues when displaying or accessing pre-existing files.

Configuration details

File Libraries are managed by Sys Admins. They are not currently accessible to a Client Administrator.

File Libraries have the following properties:

  • Whether the files are stored on the web server (Upload Attribute) or in AWS S3 (Upload (S3) Attribute)

  • Whether or not the Library's contents are visible in the My Account area;

  • Whether or not the Library's contents are encrypted when stored on the file system;

  • Whether or not the Library's contents can be selected when attaching an existing file to an Upload attribute;

  • An icon to identify the Library in the My Account list

When you add a new Upload attribute, you can choose which File Library it stores its files in. 

Default Libraries

LearningBuilder includes four File Libraries by default:

  • Default Library - the default library where uploaded files go by default

  • Protected Library - a library whose contents are hidden from Practitioners in the My Account area

  • Default Encrypted Library - a default place to store encrypted files

  • Payment Documentation - a place to store uploaded documentation for Payments, which should neither be accessible in the My Account area nor through a Workflow attribute. (This is an encrypted library, so that if a check image is uploaded, the account and routing numbers are kept secure). Used in conjunction with https://heuristicsolutions.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/3981672506

User Interface: Selecting an existing file

When an Upload attribute is configured to allow re-use of an existing file, it will only allow users to select files that are in the Library that the attribute is connected to. Users cannot attach a pre-existing file from Library A to an Upload Attribute that is connected to Library B.

User Interface: My Account → File Library

In the My Account area, the user sees a list of all of their uploaded files from Libraries that are configured to "Show In My Account Area".

If all of the files are from the same Library, then the Library's icon is NOT displayed. In this common case, there is no need to differentiate files in one library from another.

If files are present from multiple Libraries, then the Library's icon IS displayed next to each file. 




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