


This section provides technical details for LearningBuilder's APIs.

See also: Integrations with External Systems for a higher-level view of 3rd party integrations that are supported as first-class features of the system.

NOTE: Field names in these APIs are case-sensitive. Attribute names must be capitalized in the payload exactly as they are configured in LearningBuilder or in the Documentation.

As always, feel free to reach out to your Support Analyst should you need assistance working with these APIs.

Authentication and Authorization

Unless otherwise noted, all APIs use API Keys for both authentication and authorization.

API Listing

ActivitiesAPI/ActivityInstance/GetOrCreateReturns a pointer to an existing Activity Instance matching some criteria, or creates a new one.
ActivitiesAPI/ActivityQuickAdd/Post  ((warning) Experimental)

Given an Activity Number and a Member Id, creates a new Activity Instance and adds it to a Learning Plan Instance that can support it. 

If more than one "candidate" is found, e.g. more than one place that the new Activity could go, then a list of candidates is returned. Caller can re-submit with additional information to specify which candidate to use.

ApplicationsAPI/LearningPlanInstance/GetOrCreateReturns a pointer to an existing Learning Plan Instance matching some criteria, or creates a new one.
Members/wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/419201084Triggers the /wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/418873400 for a specific Member
Members/wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/418873428Updates the Unique Id for a specific Member Role
Workflow/wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/418938944Updates attribute data for a Workflow Instance and performs a specified Workflow Action
WorkflowAPI/WorkflowInstance/PerformImportStepAPI equivalent of using the Workflow Import Queue (a.k.a. "Enhanced Data Import") to execute a Data Import Step. Introduced in 10.4.0.
WorkflowAPI/WorkflowObject/RenderAttributeReturns information about a specific attribute on a specific Workflow Instance. Used to render Template attributes for some custom certificate printing implementations.

Accepts an XAPI payload, and uses advanced configuration to map that payload into a Workflow update. Used for some Exam Score Reporting scenarios.

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