Workflow Object Search

Workflow Object Search

Workflow Object Search is an advanced configuration framework for implementing custom queues and search pages.

It requires System Administrator level privileges to configure.


Every LearningBuilder installation, no matter what sort of credentials it manages, needs the ability to search and display Workflow data:

  • Admins search Member records for ad-hoc program management tasks

  • Reviewers work a queue of applications that are ready to be reviewed

  • Practitioners keep track of the Complaints they’ve entered

  • etc

Though the business cases are quite different, they all share some common implementation details:

  • They focus on a specific type of Workflow;

  • The data are constrained by a combination of fixed and user-provided criteria;

  • The search fields and result columns need to be configurable;

The Workflow Object Search system is an advanced configuration framework that allows for the rapid deployment of queues and search pages without the need for custom programming.

Supported entity types

The framework supports these entity types:

Common functionality

While each “flavor” of Workflow Object Search deals with a different entity type, and therefore might have some unique functionality relevant to that entity type, they all share a set of common functionality.

Some of that shared functionality includes:

  • Configurable search forms and result columns

  • Flexible search operations including “exact match”, “starts with”, “contains”, etc

  • User-specific restrictions, such as only showing Reviewers applications that are assigned to them

For a comprehensive list of shared functionality, Sys Admins can visit https://heuristicsolutions.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/3808526732

Example of elements common to Workflow Object Search implementations

Examples of Workflow Object Search [WOS]

Some of the core LearningBuilder features are implemented using this framework:

  • Admin → Members uses WOS to support ad-hoc searches for Member Role data

  • Admin → Activities → Activity Offerings uses WOS to show Admins a list of all Offerings in the system

  • Provider → Activity Offerings uses WOS to show Providers a filtered list of just their Offerings

The Eligibility Queue and Audit Queue DO NOT use the Workflow Object Search system yet, although they could eventually. Long term plans are to re-implement those features using WOS, but currently they are their legacy configuration.

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