Known issues when printing the Learning Plan page

Known issues when printing the Learning Plan page

This page documents potential issues when printing the Learning Plan page through the browser.

See Printing a Learning Plan for other ways to print Learning Plan data.

Known issues

The printer icon in the Learning Plan page header uses the print feature of your browser to print what you see on the screen.

The quality of the results depends on a number of factors including the browser you’re using, your browser settings, and your printer settings.

If you have problems printing the Learning Plan as it appears on the page, try using the printer-friendly Learning Plan Overview feature instead.

Some known issues include:


Explanation / Workaround


Explanation / Workaround

When I print using Firefox, some of the pages are totally jumbled

Use Edge, Chrome, or Safari instead.

As of the 10.9.0 release, Firefox was not properly interpreting the print stylesheet the way that other browsers do.

The printed page doesn’t use the same colors as what I see on screen

The printed version intentionally uses different colors and styles in order to reduce ink usage.

There are layout or font size issues on the printed page

Make sure that your browser is set to a normal zoom level and font size. Text scaling or accessibility features that make text larger/smaller could be interfering with the print process.

Why can’t I print in Portrait mode?

The Learning Plan print stylesheets force it into Landscape mode because many common configurations suffer from layout issues on a more narrow page.

If you need a Portrait layout, consider using the printer-friendly Learning Plan Overview instead

Why doesn’t Safari force Landscape mode printing?

Safari doesn’t seem to support forcing this mode by default.

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