Merge Provider

Merge Provider



LearningBuilder allows administrators to merge accounts together, which is often necessary when Practitioners incorrectly start applications under multiple accounts.

Not all features are supported by merge. If a Member account contains data that prevents it from being merged through the system, a support ticket can be created to manually move the data.

Feature Overview

It is often useful to merge two provider accounts together such that their activities, communications, staff, etc are combined into a single record.

This may be useful when:

  • Two provider organizations merged.

  • When two staff at the same provider create separate accounts.

  • Records are imported from an external system, resulting in multiple accounts for the same provider.

The merge process works like this:

  • The user identifies the two Member accounts that will participate in the merge

  • One Member is identified as the "persistent account", the other as the "merged account". After the merge is complete, the persistent account will remain in the system. The merged account will be gone, and supporting data belonging to it will belong to the persistent account instead.

  • Similarly, if both accounts have instances of the same Role, the user will choose a "persistent Role" and "merged Role". The persistent Role will remain, and any data belonging to the merged Role will belong to the persistent Role instead.


  • Merge Provider was introduced in LearningBuilder 9.0.0


A Provider account cannot be merged into another account when it:

  • Contains Aliases

  • Contains Roles other than the Provider Role

  • Has one or more Learning Plans

  • Has API Keys


  • Has member-specific Competency Areas

  • Is the Stakeholder on someone else's Learning Plan

  • Has Payments Made by Another Member

  • Prior to 10.6: Has Activity Offerings

When merging providers, Address and Phone number from the “merged account” are not merged and instead deleted along with the “merged account”. All other elements of the account are transferred unless the merge does not support an element of the account, as noted above, in which case the merge will fail.

Setting up the Feature

The Provider Merge feature must first be configured in the Provider Role edit workflow using the following steps:

  • On the Role - Provider Edit workflow, do the following:

    • Add a field called “Merger Provider ID”

      • Or give any other name meaningful to the client. This is the Unique ID of the Provider Organization to be merged.

    • Add a field called “Merge Message”

      • This field must be named exactly as above.

    • Add an action named “Merge”

      • Or give it a name meaningful to the client

    • Add a Behavior to the merge action configured as follows:

      • Behavior: Run Stored Procedure Immediately


      • With: Merge Provider ID (or whatever field name you created above)

    • Update the Action Instructions on the first step to read something like this:

      • “When merging, refer here for instructions.”

        • Note that “here” is linked back to this page.

If the client started from the Baseline configuration, these tasks above may have already been completed. If not, plan for ~10-hr consultation ticket to set up, test, and train.

Using the Feature

Part 1: Preparing the Merge Account

You must first find the two accounts that are two be merged and decide which one will be the Merge Account and with will be the Persistent Account.  Since this feature does not support merging accounts that have Learning Plans, if there are Learning Plans you want to keep, make sure you may want to select the account with the Learning Plans you want to keep as the Persistent account and designate the other account as the Merge account.  If there are no Learning Plans, either account can be the Merge account.

Once the Merge Account is selected, prepare the Account as follows:

  1. Access the Merge Account's ‘Member Details’ Page.

  2. Edit the Profile

  3. In the Alternate Name field, enter the text “Merge” (without quotes).

  4. Press the Save button.

  5. Access the list of Learning Plans for the Provider.

  6. If there are any Learning Plans listed, you must delete all of them.  This feature does not support Merge Accounts that have Learning Plans.  It is okay for the Persistent Account to have a Learning Plan.

Part 2: Performing the Merge

The Merge is performed from the Profile page of the Persistent Member (the one you want to keep) by following these steps:

  1. Access the Persistent Member records ‘Member Details’ page. (the one that you want to keep)

  2. Click the Edit button next to the Provider role.

  3. In the Merge Provider ID field, enter the Provider ID of the Merge Account

  4. Click the blue Merge Provider button.

In these instructions, the term "Provider" may be substituted for a more client-specific term such as "Sponsor" during the configuration process.  The same is true for the term "Learning Plans".  This may be referred to as "Applications"

Reviewing the Results

The Merge Message field will tell you if the merge was successful or if it failed.

  • If the Merge completed without any issues, the Merge Message the field will be shown with the text “Merge was successful”.

  • If the Merge action could not be completed, the Merge Message the field will indicate what prevented the Merge from occurring.

Troubleshooting Merge Errors

The following outlines common error messages you may encounter in the [Merge Message] field and the steps you are to take in order to address them.

  • Dupe Member has other roles:

    • You will need to contact LearningBuilder technical support and request the providers be merged via a custom script, please indicate what you would like to occur for the other roles belonging to the Donor Sponsor

  • Dupe Member has learning plan(s) - you must delete them first:

    • Delete all Learning Plans from the Donor Sponsor

  • Dupe Member does not have "Merge" in Alternate name:

    • Update the value of the Alternate Name field of the Donor Sponsor to “Merge” (without quotes)

  • Merge Provider ID not found:

    • Review and confirm the Donor Provider ID listed in the Merge Provider ID field is correct. If you continue to receive this message, please open a Support ticket with the LearningBuilder technical support team.