Managing API Keys

Managing API Keys


API Keys grant access to LearningBuilder's APIs. They allow you (or a technical 3rd party, such as your employer's IT department) to access LearningBuilder data using custom tools, rather than the web-based user interface.


LearningBuilder contains numerous APIs that allow 3rd parties to access and modify information. Access to these systems is controlled through API Keys, which function similarly to a username and password. 3rd party systems provide these keys when requesting access to the system, and the key tells LearningBuilder which user account is associated with the request and what sort of access should be allowed.

However, whereas a single user account only has a single username and password, it may have multiple API Keys. Typically, a separate key is provided to each distinct 3rd party system that needs to access LearningBuilder. This allows the access permissions for one 3rd party system to be revoked without impacting others.

Viewing your API Keys

You can access the self-service API Key management feature at My Account → API Keys

Depending on your system configuration, you will see one or more tables like this:

Each table relates to a specific API and displays all of the API Keys associated with your account that grant access to that API.

KeyThis is the API Key itself. This is a sensitive value and should be kept secret; anyone that knows this value is able to interact with the stated API as if they were you.
OwnerThis indicates the owner of the API Key. This will normally be your user ID within LearningBuilder.
StatusAPI Keys can be configured to require that your member account meet specific requirements for the key to function. If you generate an API Key, and later cease to meet the requirements to use it, the key will show up as inactive.

Generating new API Keys

It is a good idea to issue a separate API Key to each distinct tool or utility that will be accessing your data via these APIs. That way, you can disable access from one tool or 3rd party without impacting others.

The self-service API Key portal allows you to generate (and subsequently delete) as many API Keys as you like.

If you do not see the "Generate Key" button then it means that you no longer meet the requirements necessary to use that API. Your existing API Keys will be listed for reference, but you will not be able to issue new ones until you once again meet the requirements.

Using keys to access the APIs

Please see Using API Keys to Call APIs, or provide this link to whomever is providing the software that will be interfacing with LearningBuilder.

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