Bulk Address Verification

Bulk Address Verification


Though not officially supported as a 1st-class feature, the SmartyStreets website can be used in conjunction with Profile Upload to bulk-validate existing address data.

Business Case

The Address VerificationĀ feature is designed to validate incoming addresses in real-time, not bulk-validate existing data.

However, the SmartyStreets website does support the ability to bulk-validate addresses pasted in a webform. You can use this to validate existing data in bulk and then re-import the results into LearningBuilder using the Profile Upload feature.


  1. Go to the SmartyStreets "Address Validation for Lists" page and log in
  2. Paste data into the web app and validate it
  3. Convert the cleaned-up results to a format recognized by Profile Upload
  4. Re-import the validated data back in


  • LearningBuilder 9.0 or later
  • A valid SmartyStreets Web API key