Configure a helpful implementation

Configure a helpful implementation


This section describes all of the places in LearningBuilder you can use to improve a person's experience in LearningBuilder


We designed LearningBuilder to walk people through intuitive processes without requiring a lot of explanation. Because we can never engineer a completely self-explanatory process, we have also engineered the system with many tools to help implementers provide verbal guidance that may provide background information, conceptual clarity, or just additional messages to the person using the system. This entry describes all of the features an implementor can use to provide verbal guidance to an end user. It combines disparate areas in the system into a combined guide.

We organized the sections by the area in the system to manage the content. To use this guide effectively, you need to be able to differentiate Learning Plan content from the Workflow content that might display in the context of a Learning Plan. Workflow content governs the information available to all Workflows even when they are displayed in the context of a Learning Plan.

The following table describes each of the places you can modify verbal messages to improve a customer's experience.

FeatureSystem AreaExplanation
Learning Plan help content
Learning Plan DescriptionLearning PlanDisplays the extended description of the Application available to a person prior to starting the Application.
Short InstructionsLearning PlanShort Instructions give mechanical information on each Task Group to tell people what will happen if they press the associated Add Activity button.
Long InstructionsLearning PlanLong Instructions give substantive information about each Task Group, including conceptual rules, background information, and preparation.
Workflow-oriented help content (see Edit a Workflow Step for mechanics of managing Workflow help content).
Active TextWorkflow FormActive Text displays at the top of a Workflow Step. 
Passive TextAnywhere a Workflow displays (Learning Plan, Queues)Passive Text displays when a person hovers over a workflow button that has been sent downstream.
Workflow component help content
Tool TipWorkflow FormTool Tips explain each field. If you have entered tool tip text, the system displays an icon next to the field label. The tool tip displays when the person hovers over the tool tip icon.z`
Growl MessagesAnywhere a Workflow button displays (Learning Plan, Queues)Growl messages display on screen after the person has taken an action.
Recall TextAnywhere a Workflow button displays (Learning Plan, Queues)This is the message that displays when a person performs a "Recall" action.
Other areas that contain help text
Content BlockLogin page, Queues, Admin Search, Learning Plan ListContent Blocks introduce pages. They typically display at the top of a page such as one of the queues and the Admin Search areas. We use Content Blocks on the login page to explain how to register in the system and how to log in.
Report DescriptionReport List screenThis is text that explains what a report does so that the person can choose the right report.
Learning Plan DescriptionLearning Plan listThis is text that describes the Learning Plan for someone who is choosing among applications.

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