Release Notes: 10.0.x

10.0 introduces the new Learning Plan page, which is significantly faster and features a new, modern UI. It also marks major Accessibility improvements and a focus on supporting users that rely on assistive technologies to use the Web.

See also: /wiki/spaces/LBDEV/pages/653393936

10.0.0 - Internal Release Candidate 1 (released 11/22/2019)

10.0.0 was not deployed to any clients. It was effectively a "Next Gen Learning Plan Release Candidate" and should NOT be used in production.

CategoryDescriptionUser Stories
EnhancementIntroduced the first production-ready MVP for the "Next-Gen Learning Plan", which allows the Learning Plan page to be rendered with a much more modern UI, and with much improved performance.LB-415
New FeatureAssessment Forms allow multiple versions of an assessment to be defined and deliveredLB-443
EnhancementActivity Type Actions can be conditionally available based on a Comparison Rule. This makes it easier to support "sessions" of an existing course by allowing them to be renewed or copied only when they are in a "Published" state.LB-997
EnhancementAdded Voucher support for Payflow ProLB-1097
Enhancement/wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/652869792 is managed via the Queue Processor, rather than a "heartbeat" taskLB-400

Major improvements relating to /wiki/spaces/LBDEV/pages/591462401; LearningBuilder is now much more accessible to users that are colorblind, rely on keyboard navigation, or depend on assistive technologies to use a browser.

  • ARIA compliant data input forms and markup
  • Site Map
Stability ImprovementAdded unique index to LEARNING_PLAN_INSTANCE to protect against duplicate Learning Plan Instances being createdLB-1117
DefectE-Commerce confirmation messages were incorrectly returning internal database ID, not Transaction Id returned from payment gatewayLB-1141

10.0.1 - Demo Release (released 12/05/2019)

10.0.1 is an internal release only. It was only released in order to update BASELINE for demonstration purposes. It should not be used for any production purposes.

CategoryDescriptionUser Stories
EnhancementAdministrators can render a Learning Plan in legacy mode after switching to v3 rendering mode using /LegacyLPLB-1190
EnhancementLB10 Mode: Removed the ClickOnce loading indicator when accessing a Learning PlanLB-1191
EnhancementLB10 Mode: Implemented the Shared Tasks LB-1187
EnhancementLB10 Mode: Implemented Task Groups that are conditionally locked based on a Comparison Rule (has not passed final QA yet)LB-1167
EnhancementLB10 Mode: Implemented Task Groups that are conditionally locked based on the Complete Learning Plan workflow step (has not passed final QA yet)LB-1165

Performance improvements when accessing the v3 Rendering Mode

DefectLB10 Mode: 3rd level Profile navigation links were not being shown in the Admin areaLB-1204
DefectLB10 Mode: Practitioners are able to add Activities to a Learning Plan Instance in a terminally complete stateLB-1203
DefectLB10 Mode: Incorrect status displayed when Learning Plan Instance is in a terminally complete stateLB-1202
DefectLB10 Mode: Task Group headers should not be displayed when the group is emptyLB-1201
DefectLB10 Mode: Granted Units are being applied towards Learning Plan submission requirements; should be Requested Units (has not passed final QA yet)LB-1210
DefectLB10 Mode: "Dates Don't Apply" and "Hide Reporting Dates" settings are being ignoredLB-1184
DefectCannot add a new Custom List or List Item that has the same name as an item that was previously deletedLB-1194

10.0.2 - UAT Release Candidate for initial clients  (released 12/09/2019)

10.0.2 is a release candidate for specific clients that are planning to launch with the new LP rendering mode. It is suitable for UAT testing other clients, but recommend final production deployments wait for the General Availability release (10.0.3)

CategoryDescriptionUser Stories
EnhancementLB10 Mode: Task Groups can be conditionally hidden or locked based upon the completion status of other GroupsLB-1166
DefectLB10 Mode: Complete Learning Plan workflow button is not active when it should be, when LPI begin and end dates are the sameLB-1211
DefectLB10 Mode: Tasks that are Incomplete or Completed Unsuccessfully are incorrectly contributing their units towards LP submission requirementsLB-1209
DefectLB10 Mode: Tasks in a locked Group are showing the Active button text, instead of PassiveLB-1213
DefectCannot choose assignee-specific fields when configuring a Workflow Step to be completed by an AssigneeLB-1206
Defect LB10 Mode: Granted Units are being applied towards Learning Plan submission requirements; should be Requested UnitsLB-1210
EnhancementLB10 Mode: Support the "Lock Application for Practitioner when on this step" setting

10.0.3 - General Availability release (released 01/6/2020)

10.0.3 is the General Availability release for the "LB10" rendering mode. This release should be suitable for wide deployment, but be aware of known feature gaps.

10.0.3 contains critical regressions which are fixed in 10.0.4

CategoryDescriptionUser Stories
EnhancementSys Admins can configure settings used by Integration HubLB-1250
EnhancementLB10 Mode: Support the inline "edit mode" for making content changesLB-1002
EnhancementLB10 Mode: NGLP Task Groups display a "locked" icon separate from the primary disposition when lockedLB-1215
EnhancementLB10 Mode: Support the custom Sort Order for Task Group Activity DisplayLB-1208
EnhancementLB10 Mode: Administrators can choose to hide the LP summary and WF button section at the bottom of the pageLB-1192
EnhancementLB10 Mode: Performance improvements to reduce the number of API calls that are made (tentative)LB-1178
DefectLB10 Mode: Multi-Dependency chains are not correctly reflecting the NGLP Task Group Disposition LB-1222
DefectAuto-Start Learning Plans maintenance task incorrectly starts LPIs when the current date is beyond/past the Availability End DateLB-1254
DefectLB10 Mode: Units are sometimes displayed with incorrectly formatted floating point numbersLB-1227
DefectLB10 Mode: Template attribute issue when displayed as Activity Task columnLB-1228

10.0.4 - Critical regression patch (released 01/15/2020)

10.0.4 is a defect patch release to address regression issues introduced as part of 10.0.3. There were two critical issues:

  1. Edge Html was unable to render the new UI, which was a regression from 10.0.3
  2. Task Groups were not being correctly hidden or locked by comparison rule, also a regression from 10.0.3

CategoryDescriptionUser Stories
Critical RegressionLB10 Mode: LB10 mode does not render at all in Edge Html browserLB-1277
Critical RegressionLB10 Mode: Task Groups are not correctly hidden/locked by comparison ruleLB-1278
DefectLB10 Mode: Requirements / Limits do not handle "pseudo-attributes" in Comparison RulesLB-1283
DefectLB10 Mode: Requirements Model defaults to collapsed, but should be expanded (on desktop browser)LB-1279
DefectLB10 Mode: Limits progress bar sometimes displays incorrectly formatted floating point numbersLB-1285
DefectLB10 Mode: Template attribute issue when displayed as Activity Task columnLB-1228
DefectLB10 Mode: Cosmetic regression causing vertical scroll bar in Requirements Model sectionLB-1281

10.0.5 - Minor service release (released 01/24/2020)

10.0.5 addresses a minor issue found during client UAT

CategoryDescriptionUser Stories
DefectLB10 Mode: Audit tab of Workflow Overview does not correctly expand/collapseLB-1295

10.0.6 - Service release (released 02/08/2020)

10.0.6 addresses more "LearningBuilder 10 mode" display issues identified during ongoing UAT rollouts to clients.

10.0.6 fixes one issue relating to Quick Actions visible by Step Access, but introduces another. Use 10.0.7 instead

CategoryDescriptionUser Stories
DefectLB10 Mode: Administrator not able to delete Activity when Quick Action is conditionally visibleLB-1306
DefectLB10 Mode: Quick Action visibility does not correctly apply comparison rule logicLB-1308
DefectLB10 Mode: Quick Action restrictions based on user access to Target or Current Step are incorrectly calculatedLB-1314
DefectLB10 Mode: Passive button text is displayed in the Admin area for a workflow that is Locked for the Practitioner; should be active to the adminLB-1320

10.0.7 - Service release (released 02/24/2020)

10.0.7 addresses a regression introduced in 10.0.6 relating to how Quick Action visibility rules are calculated when dependent on user's access to the Target step. Specifically, 10.0.6 fixed one issue in this area but introduced a new one. In 10.0.7, this behavior is fully consistent with the legacy display mode.

It also closes a functional gap relative to the legacy mode by supporting a configurable sort order for Activities in a Task Group. 

CategoryDescriptionUser Stories
EnhancementLB10 Mode: Added support for configurable sort order for Activities in a Task GroupLB-1208
DefectLB10 Mode: Functional regression when Quick Actions are conditionally visible based on user access to Target or Current Step, and action is not a "move step" action typeLB-1333
DefectLB10 Mode: Requirements or Limits using a "Must Be Between" Comparison Rule do not correctly calculate and generate an exceptionLB-1338
DefectLegacy defect: Workflow Overview defaults to SUMMARY for a Task Group, but DETAIL for all other modes. Should be consistent.LB-1328

10.0.8 - Service release (released 04/21/2020)

10.0.8 addresses general usability for the Learning Plan's LB10 (NGLP) display mode.

It also resolves an issue related to the Workflow Instance Assignee emails.

CategoryDescriptionUser Stories

LB10 Mode: The underlying page should refresh when Non-Learner User adds an Activity instance to the LPi using the "NO SEARCH - TARGET ACTIVITY" configuration

DefectSyntax of the 'AccessUrl' link is malformed when the email is rendered for the Workflow Instance Assignee emailsLB-1467
DefectLB10 Mode: Inconsistent display of Intrinsic Numeric attributes on the Activity Task CardLB-1318
DefectLegacy defect: Role Status List's 'Default Status' field is not rendering when adding a new RoleLB-1334
DefectLB10 Mode: Locked Task Groups with Completed Tasks should show the Tasks with Completed Dispositions in the Practitioner areaLB-1358
DefectLB10 Mode:  Vertical scroll position is lost when the page is refreshed after a workflow step popup is closedLB-1455

10.0.9 - Service release (released 01/10//2021)

10.0.9 addresses  an issue related to the Call External API Behavior 

CategoryDescriptionUser Stories

The External API Behavior was not parsing the template request headers properly. It needed to be grabbing one header per line and adding it to the request header collection.
