Release 7.x Series

Release 7.x Series

Release 7 saw a change in release versioning nomenclature. Previously, we would increase the "major" revision number (the "x" in "x.y.z") each time we created a deployable release package. By the time we hit 7.0.0, however, we realized that the version numbers were climbing rapidly and we didn't want to one day be deploying "LearningBuilder 125". We shifted to a new version scheme like <series>.<release>.<patch>, where:

  • <series> is incremented only when the system undergoes dramatic changes or enters a new "generation" of functionality
  • <release> is incremented each time a new, major deployment package is created
  • <patch> is incremented when we release a maintenance package for an existing major release

Release 7.0.0 was released on 6/6/2011. 

Release 7.33.0 was released on 1/16/2015.

Most releases in this time period focused on building out core LearningBuilder systems.