Training - Member Types: People and Organizations

Training - Member Types: People and Organizations

Quick explanation of the difference between PERSON and ORGANIZATION type Members.

Curriculum index: Training Curriculum

Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 for 11.0.10


This module introduces the concepts of Organizations and explains how they are different from “people”.

I don’t care what Citizens United says, Organizations aren’t People, and the distinction is pretty important to LearningBuilder.

If you are a Heuristics employee, you should go through training in your local development environment or in a personalized training instance so that you can reset to a known, clean starting point as needed.

If you are referencing the public training site at http://training.learningbuilder.com, you may run into discrepancies caused by an outdated starting point, or because of changes made by other users. Please contact us for assistance if that website does not match this documentation.

Differences between “Member Types”

There really isn’t a “module” for this section yet. For now, just go read the product docs here: Members and Organizations

Boom. Done.