API Documentation

API Documentation

This section provides technical details for LearningBuilder APIs.

See also: Integrations with External Systems for a higher-level view of 3rd party integrations that are supported as first-class features of the system.

This documentation assumes a working knowledge of LearningBuilder’s core architectural pieces. If you have questions about how an API works or what it can be used to do, please contact your support representative for assistance.

Common use cases

I want to…

Relevant APIs

I want to…

Relevant APIs

Trigger data synchronization with my AMS without needing a user to sign on through SSO


Import bulk data into LearningBuilder:

  • People (Members and MemberRoles)

  • Applications (LearningPlanInstances)

  • Activities (ActivityInstances)


This is the API equivalent of uploading a CSV file through the Workflow Import Queue.

Start a single Application (LearningPlanInstance), or obtain a reference to an in-progress one that matches the criteria


Report attendance for a course or other Activity

This is for one-by-one reporting; attendance data can also be bulk imported as described above.


For more details, see Reporting Attendance via API Calls

Trigger an Action on an in-process Workflow

This can be used to move things to the next Step, trigger notifications, etc.


This is the API equivalent of clicking a button in a Workflow Popup

Create integrations with 3rd party APIs

If the 3rd party API is able to transmit an xAPI payload, that payload can be used to update Attribute values and perform Workflow Actions.

xAPI Integration

Authentication and Authorization

Unless otherwise noted, all APIs use API Keys for both authentication and authorization.

To get started, you will need a support analyst to “enable” these Workflows by creating the API Key Authorization Rulesets that describe which types of users have access to which APIs.

Once those Rulesets are in place, users with the appropriate permissions and Roles will be able to manage their own individual API Keys from their My Account area.

Complete API Listing

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