Learning Hub: Event Subscription API

Learning Hub: Event Subscription API

As of the 12.4 release, Event Subscriptions are editable through LearningBuilder for LearningBuilder Subscribers.


Subscribers must “subscribe” to a Program in order to pull its data from the Hub. The Publisher’s data are not publicly accessible to prevent it from being scraped, and to give Publishers controls over their data.

API Hostnames

See Learning Hub | API Hostnames


See Learning Hub | Authentication

Unless otherwise specified, all endpoints on this page require an API Key with SYSTEM permissions.

Data model



A Subscription is a relationship from a Subscriber to a Publisher that allows the Subscriber to receive the Publisher’s data.





string (25 char)

The identifier of the Subscriber


string (25 char)

The identifier of the Publisher


UTC date/time

UTC timestamp of the last time the Subscriber pulled data from this Publisher



Whether or not the subscription supports the nightly sync process. (Applies to LearningBuilder Subscribers only)



JSON structure mapping different PublisherEventCategory values to the Handlebars template that converts those Events into a batch row payload for LearningBuilder’s WorkflowImportQueue/CreateBatch API.

See below for detailed explanation

LbApiPayloadTemplate syntax and purpose

Publishers and Subscribers think about and model their data differently, so the Publisher’s data typically needs modified or converted before it can be imported into LearningBuilder.

Each Event Subscription specifies:

Those templates are stored as the batchRowTemplate property in the LbApiPayloadTemplatef an EventSubsription:

"LbApiPayloadTemplate": { "{EventCategory1}": { "action": "import (default) | ignore", "label": "human readable note", "importProcessId": {WIQ Process Id}, "batchRowTemplate": "{handlebars template}" }, // ... additional category mappings as needed ... "_default": { "action": "import (default) | ignore", "label": "human readable note", "importProcessId": {WIQ Process Id}, "batchRowTemplate": "{handlebars template}" } }

Each key within the LbApiPayloadTemplate should match one of the Publisher’s PublisherEventCategory values, or the special marker _defaultwhich indicates a default template.

There are two reasons to include a PublisherEventCategory mapping:

  • To import it into the Subscriber, using the specified batchRowTemplate

  • To ignore it, because the Subscriber isn’t interested in that category of Publisher data

Syntax examples

Example / scenario

Sample LbApiPayloadTemplate

Example / scenario

Sample LbApiPayloadTemplate

Subscribe to all Publisher event categories, using the same template for everything

"LbApiPayloadTemplate": { "_default": { "action": "import", "label": "Import everything", "importProcessId": {WIQ Process Id}, "batchRowTemplate": "{handlebars template}" } }

Subscribe to all Publisher event data, with special handling for a specific category

"LbApiPayloadTemplate": { "some_key": { "action": "import", "label": "ACME Course", "importProcessId": {WIQ Process Id}, "batchRowTemplate": "{handlebars template}" }, "_default": { "action": "import", "label": "Import everything", "importProcessId": {WIQ Process Id}, "batchRowTemplate": "{handlebars template}" } }

Subscribe to a specific category only, ignoring everything else

Ignore a specific category, process everything else using a common template

Detailed data flow

It works like this:

  • When Publishers push data into the Hub, they specify a PublisherEventCategory value. (For example, this might differentiate between data representing a completed course and data representing work history)

  • A Subscriber’s EventSubscription contain contain one or more templates, each one mapped to a specific PublisherEventCategory value. (This allows the Subscriber to convert those courses and work history entries in different ways)

  • Each template converts a single PublisherEventData JSON object into a different JSON schema that can be passed to the Subscriber’s API/WorkflowImportQueue/CreateBatch API endpoint.

  • When LearningBuilder synchronizes data, it loops through each PublisherEventData item, converts it using the relevant template, and then makes a single call to API/WorkflowImportQueue/CreateBatch to import the data.

PublisherEventData being converted into a /API/WorkflowImportQueue/CreateBatch API call

Event Subscriptions

GET /api/programs/{programId}/eventSubs


Response Code

Headers and Body

Response Code

Headers and Body

200 (Ok)

GET /api/programs/{programId}/eventSubs/{publisherProgramId}


Response Code

Headers and Body

Response Code

Headers and Body

200 (Ok)

POST /api/programs/{programId}/eventSubs

JSON Payload


Response Code

Headers and Body

Response Code

Headers and Body

201 (Created)

A new Event Subscription was created. No body is returned.

HTTP headers:

Location: /API/programs/{programId}/eventSubs/{pubProgId}

PATCH /api/programs/{programId}/eventSubs/{publisherProgramId}

JSON Payload


Response Code

Headers and Body

Response Code

Headers and Body

204 (No Content)

Update was performed successfully. No body is returned.

DELETE /api/programs/{programId}/eventSubs/{publisherProgramId}


Response Code

Headers and Body

Response Code

Headers and Body

204 (No Content)

Delete was performed successfully. No body is returned.


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