Release Notes: 9.8.x

The focus of 9.8.0 was the Administrator experience behind Activity Offerings. 

See also: /wiki/spaces/LBDEV/pages/533463152

9.8.0 (released 5/10/2019)

CategoryDescriptionUser Stories
Major Use CaseInitial Admin-only MVP for OfferingsLB-612
EnhancementMember Search can be configured to require a CAPTCHA, to prevent data-scraping and denial-of-service attacksLB-845
IntegrationSupport SSO using RAMPARTLB-717
EnhancementAdministrators can edit the Provider, Contact, and Activity Type of an Activity DefinitionLB-607

EnhancementAdministrators can create Activity Definitions without acting as a Provider (i.e. directly from the Admin area)
