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End-to-end example showing:
This does not dive deeply into any of those areas, it just provides an all-in-one sample of the overall flow through the system to provide context for later training modules. |
Sample Scenario
The TRAINING system features the American Society of Office Dogs, a credentialing program that awards specialty credentials to canines with a demonstrated ability to behave in an office environment.
In this module, we will register as a new applicant (a dog wishing to earn this credential) and will go through the entire process of submitting an application, having that application reviewed by the credentialing program, and then ultimately awarded the credential.
Step 1: Register as an Applicant
You begin this journey as "Fido", a lovable mutt who hates being left at home all day. You want nothing more than to earn your Certified Office Dog (COD) credential so that you can accompany Amy, your owner, to her day job where she goes to an office and spends 8 boring hours staring at a computer screen. (If you can't suspend disbelief this far, then just pretend that you're Amy doing all this work on behalf of Fido.)
- If you are logged in, log out.
- Navigate to the login page and click the "Get Started" button in the sidebar. This begins the registration process.
- Enter your (Fido's) account information. (All of the pre-existing accounts in the demo database use "Passw0rd" as their password. Never do that on a real system; it's a terrible password!) Click the orange Submit button when finished.
- Once you click Submit, you will see a screen asking for a confirmation code. This will have been emailed to the email address you entered during registration. You can either copy/paste the code from that email, or just click the link within the email.
- After finishing the registration process you will land on your "My Account" page and the "Grant Practitioner" popup should automatically appear. ( Continue to the next section).
Step 2:
Go through the Grant Role workflow to gain theTell the system you're a "Doggo"
RoleNow that Fido has registered, the system needs to associate him with a Role in the system. Roles determine what sorts of Applications a user is allowed to start. In order to start the "Certified Office Dog" application, a user must first be assigned the "Doggo" role. (After all, we don't want cats to try and register as a CDOCOD, amirite!?)
- If the popup did not open automatically, then The popup may have opened automatically once you landed on the "My Account" page. If it did not, click the orange Become an Office Dog button on the My Account page.
- Select Yes, that cats are stupid, to bypass the validation rule. (This may not seem very secure, but as you know cats aren't very smart, and we think it will suffice)
- Click the "Continue" button to finish the Workflow process and grant the "Doggo" Role to your (Fido's) account.
- Upon successful granting of the Role, you will be taken to the list of applications (also called Learning Plans) that you're able to start.
- Click the "Begin" button to begin the Certified Office Dog application
Step 3: Fill out the application
The application (Learning Plan) consists of one or more "Task Groups" that represent a logical grouping of data and a set of related requirements.
The default Learning Plan comes with two Task Groups:
- Education: collects information about educational degrees that applicant has earned. The Task Group is configured to require at least one degree.
- Work History: collects information about applicant's employment history. The Task Group is configured to require at least 2000 hours of employment experience.
The task group headers will be blue if there are unmet requirements and green once the requirements are met.
Add an Education Activity
- Click the "Add Degree" button to add a Degree activity, fill out its Workflow and click the Submit button. Note: You do not need to upload any Supporting Documentation
- Note that the Academic Degree's "Next Step" button is gray. This indicates that its Workflow is incomplete, but that the next step in the process is owned by someone other than you. (In this case, the next step belongs to a Reviewer who must perform a back-end verification step)
- Note that the Task Group header is green. Even though the Activity's workflow is incomplete, it's reached the final step in which you are able to act on it. This is called "Practitioner Complete" and is sufficient to satisfy the Task Group requirement.
Add a Work Experience Activity with 1500 hours
- Click the "Add Position" button to add a Work History activity, and fill out its Workflow using any made up Title and Start Date.
- For the Requested Hours" field, enter "1500".
- Note that the Learning Plan's Workflow button remains gray. That is because this Task Group is configured to require at least 2000 units (hours), but you only entered 1500 on your Activity. It does not satisfy the requirement, and you remain unable to submit the application.
"Recall" the Work Experience Activity to edit it
- Click on the gear icon next to the Work History item's button and choose "Recall Step". Confirm the action in the popup.
- "Recalling" a Workflow basically moves it backwards to the previous Step. In this case, that moves the Workflow back into the Step where you are able to edit it again. Change the Requested Hours from 1500 to 2000 and re-submit.
- The Activity now satisfies the Task Group requirement. Since all of the Learning Plan requirements are met, the Learning Plan's workflow button becomes orange, allowing you to begin the submission process. (NOTE: the Work Experience task group header turns green, representing that the requirements for that specific group are now met)
Step 4: Submit the application
A Learning Plan consists of two "phases". The first is the "data collection" phase in which data is collected from the user using Activities, as shown above.
The second phase is where the application (Learning Plan) is actually submitted to the licensing board for review.
Once all of the data collection requirements are met, the Learning Plan's Workflow button will turn orange, indicating that you can begin the submission process. Clicking that button will launch a Workflow that guides you the rest of the way.
Submit the Learning Plan's Workflow
- Click the orange "Submit" button to begin the submission process. This will open a Workflow popup.
- The first step is an "attestation" where you confirm some expectations. Select Yes from the dropdown and click the "Continue" button.
- The second step contains a Payment attribute. Click the "Pay Fees" button to begin the payment process.
- Go through checkout using a Visa with number "4111-1111-1111-1111" as the credit card. (As long as you are using one of the "fake" payment gateway configurations, this should be accepted as a valid card)
- Click the "Continue" button at the bottom of the page to review your purchase.
- Click the "Complete Purchase" button at the bottom of the screen.
- Click the "Continiue" button on the Payment Confirmation screen.
- You will then see a Application to Pay Fees modal is displayed. Click the "Submit" button.
- Upon completing the payment, you are returned to the Learning Plan. The Workflow button is now gray, indicating that you have successfully submitted the application and are waiting on someone else to perform the next step.
- Log out of the application.
Step 5: Review and approve the application
The Workflow configuration in TRAINING specifies two different administrative steps that comprise the application approval process:
- First, an Administrator must assign a Reviewer to the application
- Next, the Reviewer must review and approve the application
This sort of application processing is conducted using the "Learning Plan Instance queues" which are typically found under the "Auditor" and "Eligibility" navigation headings.
Assign a Reviewer
- Log in as (who has the Administrator role)
- The password will be "Passw0rd"
- Click on Eligibility → Eligibility Queue, and then click the "Filter" button to perform a default search
- Note that the application your Applicant submitted shows up and its Workflow button is orange, indicating that you (as the administrator) are responsible for the current step of its Workflow.
- Click on the "Assign Reviewer" button to launch the popup, and then enter the name or email address of a Reviewer member ( already exists in the system)
- Enter a future due date in the Due Date field.
- Click "Send to Reviewer" to move the Workflow to the next step (which "assigns" it to the Reviewer)
- Note that after clicking the button, the popup closes. That is because the workflow has moved to the next step which is "owned by" a different Role in the system. Since you no longer have access to act on the workflow, it closes automatically.
- Log out of the application.
Perform the Review
- Log in as (who has the Reviewer role)
- Navigate back to Eligibility → Eligibility Queue and click Filter to perform a default search
- Note that the application shows up and again has an orange Workflow button, indicating that the Workflow is now in a state where the Reviewer role owns the next step.
- Click the blue View button to open the Learning Plan. Note that the Activities on the Learning Plan have an orange button, indicating that you own the next step on those workflows.
- Finally, click the orange button for the Learning Plan itself to open the Learning Plan workflow.
- Click the green Complete Review button to mark the Learning Plan Workflow as Completed Successfully
- After reviewing and approving all of the Applications, the Eligibility Queue will contain no records.
- Log out of the Application.
Step 6: Confirm it was accepted
At this point the application has been accepted and your "Applicant" user should now be a fully licensed practitioner.
Confirm the credential was granted
- Log back in as your Applicant user that submitted the Learning Plan
- The Learning Plan List page now displays two different applications. One is the completed initial application, the other is the "recertification application" that is used to manage the process of maintaining the credential through ongoing education.
Confirm that the Member Role Status was correctly updated
American Society of Office Dogs wants the "Certified Office Dog" credential to mean something, so they've established a couple of hoops you need to jump through before you can officially submit your application.
Next Steps
Now that you've experience the application process as an Applicant, use the Training - My Account/Member Profile Page page to explore the My Account Profile Page.
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