New Configuration Options in Learning Plan v2

New Configuration Options in Learning Plan v2

Learning Plan Instructions

In earlier versions, we had only two settings:

  • Active Instructions - displayed on the Application when it was time to submit AND displayed in the WF form when you click the Submit button.

  • Passive Instructions - displayed on the Application when the Application could not be submitted

In NGLP, we have four settings:

  • Active Instructions - displays on the WF form ONLY

  • Unmet Requirements Instructions - displays on the Application when the Application cannot be submitted

  • Passive Instructions - displayed on the Application when the Application could not be submitted




The Unmet Requirement Instructions configuration screen.

The Unmet Requirements message in the Details section at the top of the Learning Plan.


Unmet Requirement Instructions at the bottom of the Learning Plan

Learning Plan Workflow Quick Actions / Workflow overview

In v1 mode, we did not expose Quick Actions on the Learning Plan Completion Workflow step. In v2, we expose the ellipsis that allows Quick Actions on the Learning Plan Action button, as well.

We have also moved the Workflow Entity View (a.k.a., Overview) to behind the Quick Actions ellipsis.

WARNING: Because the Learning Plan Workflow button did not use to have visibility on the Learning Plan itself, it is possible that your Workflow Step Quick Actions do not hide all of the Quick Actions appropriately. Make sure to test visibility from the Practitioner view in UAT to manage visibility rules.





Configure “Complete Any” Label

In v1, we could not alter the “Complete Any” label. As long as a value existed in the Complete Any setting, the term “Complete Any” would display.

In v2, we can specify the text that displays, and we can control whether the label displays, just like any other column label.


Configure whether Overview shows on the Task Group header

In v1, we always showed the Overview icon, which allowed people to see a read-only summary of all of the items in that Task Group.

In v2, we can hide the Overview icon for programs that have found the Overview distracting.





Add Collapsed Instructions to Task Groups

In v1, Task Groups had two types of instructions: Short Instructions and Long Instructions. Short Instructions were displayed when a Task Group was collapsed, and Long Instructions displayed when a Task Group was expanded.

In v2, we’ve added a third type named Collapsed Instructions. Collapsed Instructions are displayed when a Task Group is collapsed. Use these to give the user a hint about the purpose of the group, or leave them empty for a clean UI. Collapsed Instructions are not supported by the v1 Learning Plan.

With this addition we’ve also changed the behavior of Short Instructions. Short Instructions are displayed when a Task Group is expanded and is not empty. Use these to give the user a short reminder about how to complete their tasks.

Long Instructions are displayed when a Task Group is expanded and empty. Use these to give the user a detailed set of instructions about the purpose of the Group and what steps they need to take.


New way to calculate “Owner Complete”

The concept of Owner Complete or Practitioner Complete means that an Activity or Learning Plan is still “incomplete”, but the owner/practitioner/applicant has completed all the steps that they are required to do.

For example, Step 1 might be for the practitioner to fill out application, Step 2 might be for the practitioner to pay fees, and Step 3 might be for an approver to approve the application. This Learning Plan would be Owner Complete when Step 2 has been completed.

Being Owner Complete can allow a new Learning Plan Instance to be created for the same Learning Plan Definition

In v1, this has traditionally been calculated by Learning Builder, based on the last step to be performed by the owner. However, there have been cases where ever though the owner has no more steps to perform, we don’t want the Instance to be considered owner complete.

We have added new Workflow setting that allows an administrator to explicitly control which steps count as owner complete.

For v1, this is optional. You can still use the old method of letting the system infer which step is owner complete.

For v2, the inference method is not viable and you will need to use the new method of specifying which steps are Owner Complet



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