Release Notes: 8.19.x

8.19.0 was a small release containing an assortment of small features to support multi-person review processes.

8.19.0 (released ~4/21/2017)

CategoryDescriptionUser Stories

Workflow Action Badges can be used to indicate when a given user has completed a specific Action.

The canonical use case is supporting multi-user review steps. The completion badge allows each Reviewer to track which reviews they have completed, even though the application or activity remains on that Step until the other Reviewers complete their tasks as well. 


When an Action on a multi-tabbed Workflow Popup is performed, and the popup reloads, the last active tab remains selected.


Attributes can be identified as "do not copy", so that they don't copy forward to a newly started Learning Plan Instance

EnhancementActivity Container attributes can be copied to a newly started Learning Plan InstanceFB-31669