Release Notes: 8.6.x

8.6.0 added a collection of features focused on improving Assessments and the collection of multi-valued structured data on an application.

8.6.0 (released ~7/17/2015)

CategoryDescriptionUser Stories
Major Use Case

The Activity Container attribute allows for multi-valued, structured data to be added to a single Workflow attribute. 

Canonical use case is an application where the practitioner must identify one or more activities they have performed, and for each activity they must provide one or more additional pieces of structured data. 

Major Use Case

Assessments can be taken as part of an application (Learning Plan) or task (Activity) workflow.

Canonical use case is requiring practitioners to pass <n> learning assessments as part of their continuing education cycle.


Assessments can be organized into multiple sections, to improve the user experience

EnhancementImages can be uploaded through the rich text editor while editing an Assessment, so that questions can refer to images or photographsFB-24305

Practitioners taking an Assessment can be provided with "reflective feedback" immediately after answering a question, so that they can learn from their mistakes on a non-scored Assessment
