Populate a Constant Contact mailing list with Zapier and Polled Data Files

Populate a Constant Contact mailing list with Zapier and Polled Data Files


Data can be exported from LearningBuilder into Constant Contact using the Polled Data Files feature and a Zapier integration.


1. Configure the Polled Data File and Zapier integration

Complete the configuration steps in Zapier integrations using Polled Data Files to:

  • Define the data file that will be exported

  • Configure the Zapier integration that periodically requests that file from LearningBuilder and responds to new data

2. Configure a Constant Contact “Zap” in Zapier


Create the Zap

In the Zapier interface, create a new Zap

Sample Zap summary

Configure the Trigger

The specific Trigger configuration will depend on how you configured the Zapier integration and Polled Data File.

In this sample, the Zapier integration fires whenever a new user login is reported by LearningBuilder.


Configure the Action

The Action is where you configure Zapier to do something with your Constant Contact account.

In this sample, the Zap is configured to create a new Contact and add them to a list.

Sample Constant Contact Action configuration

3. Test it

Once configured, Zapier will periodically request the data file from LearningBuilder. When it sees a record it hasn’t seen before, it will trigger the Zap and pass the mapped data to the Constant Contact integration.

You should see those contacts appear in Constant Contact.