PayPal Payment Gateways

PayPal Payment Gateways

PayPal offers numerous payment options, many of them with similar-sounding names and overlapping-but-slightly-different feature sets.

The officially supported configuration is Payflow Pro.

“Payflow Payments Pro”, “Paypal Payments Advanced”, “Payflow Link”, etc are NOT supported.


Details / Notes


Details / Notes

Payflow Pro


Payflow Pro was originally a Verisign product but was acquired by PayPal. It is a fully customizable gateway that features fraud protection and a PCI compliant checkout mode. It supports a wide variety of merchant accounts and backend payment processors.

LearningBuilder fully supports the “Hosted Pages” checkout mode. The “Secure Post” mode was deprecated in LearningBuilder 11.0.x because it is not PCI compliant.

Payflow Payment Gateway Service | PayPal US

PayPal Payflow Pro Integration Guide

Payflow Link

not supported

Payflow Link is a cost-efficient, PCI-compliant gateway that works with your existing merchant account. It only supports Hosted Pages mode and is designed for low-volume (less than 500 transactions a month) usage.

Payflow Link Developer's Guide

Unfortunately, Payflow Link does not support the REQUESTID parameter used by LearningBuilder 11.0.x+ to avoid duplicate transactions, and is therefore not supported.

PayPal Payments Advanced
PayPal Payments Pro

not supported

PayPal Payments is a legacy integration option that requires the use of PayPal as the merchant account and payment processor.

The difference between “Advanced” and “Pro” is largely related to the level of control and customization that is offered over the hosted checkout page.

Support for this option is deprecated in LearningBuilder 11.0.x because it is not PCI compliant.

Technically, the PayPal Payments Pro supports a Transparent Redirect feature that can support PCI compliance, but LearningBuilder does not currently support that option.

PayPal Checkout | Custom Online Checkout

PayPal Payments Pro

PayPal Payments Pro (PayPal Payments Advanced)

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