Workflow Import Queue

The Workflow Import Queue is a new Import/Upload mechanism introduced in 10.4.0. It is ultimately intended to replace the legacy Attendance Upload and Profile Upload features.

For information on specific types of import (e.g. “Member Role” vs “Activity”), see the “Overview” section below.

For differences between this feature and the legacy uploaders, see Workflow Import Queue vs Legacy Uploaders

For information on configuring the Import Queue as a Sys Admin, see the following:

This feature is intended for administrative use only! There are specific usability and configuration aspects that make it ill-suited to being exposed directly to end users. That sort of usage is on the roadmap, but for now this should not be made available to people that would otherwise not belong in the “Admin” area of LearningBuilder.

Known issue with “Send Email to […]” and “Execute Scored Procedure” Behaviors


The “Send Email to […]” and “Execute Stored Procedure” Behaviors may trigger errors when executed as part of the import queue, even though they work fine when executed through the main app.

These errors might not occur on UAT, due to architectural differences between environments so it is critical to test a sample record in Production to confirm it works as exepcted.

An experimental fix was introduced in 10.0.0. To apply it, set the EnableTransactionScopeFixForBehaviorsInExternalQueueProcessor app config setting to TRUE.

Note that as of 11.0.0, this fix has not been exhaustively tested. We believe it is safe, but if you apply this config setting, please confirm that the behaviors are having the desired effect.


The Workflow Import Queue is a new, scalable, Workflow-centric background processing queue for importing CSV data into LearningBuilder introduced in 10.4.0.

When compared to the legacy upload features, the the primary benefit of the Workflow Import Queue is that it leverages the Workflow Engine to make many new things possible:

  • Validation Rules and Required Fields enforce complex and dynamic validation requirements;

  • Uploads can trigger Workflow Actions;

  • New types of data can be imported (e.g. Learning Plan Instances);

  • Administrators can upload data directly through the Admin area of LearningBuilder, rather than needing to use the Provider area.

The Workflow Import Queue also supports larger files with more predictable performance.

Lastly, a much improved UI provides more transparency into and control over the entire process. Users can have more confidence that their file upload will do what they expect, and the system will process the valid rows even if one or more errors are found.

Performance limitations

“Data Import” Workflow Steps

The foundation of the Workflow Import Queue is a new type of Workflow Step called a “Data Import Step”.

A traditional Workflow Step, now called a “Data Entry” Step, describes the form that is displayed to a user within LearningBuilder to collect data at a specific part of a multi-part process.

By comparison, Data Import Steps describe the format for a data file that can be uploaded to create or modify data regardless of the step the entity is currently “on”. In other words, Data Import Steps describe an “out-of-band data manipulation” that can be performed via file upload.

For more information on Data Import Steps, see

Supported file types

As of 10.4.0, the following types of data can be imported using the Workflow Import Queue:

File Type

Use cases

Configured where?

File Type

Use cases

Configured where?

Activity Instance

  • Attendance Upload

  • Exam Result / Exam Score Upload

  • Bulk updates for Activity audits performed externally to LearningBuilder

Data Import Steps on Complete Activity Workflows

Learning Plan Instance

  • Resuming / updating Applications

  • Bulk updates to Cycle Dates

Data Import Steps on Complete Learning Plan Workflows

Member Role

  • Adding / updating demographic data

  • Adding / updating license / Role data

Data Import Steps on Grant Role Workflows

CSV file conventions

The specific columns that are required / supported will vary according to the type of file being uploaded, but there are some conventions that common to all file types:

  • Value columns

  • Identifier columns (“:” prefix)

  • Comment columns (“#” prefix)

  • Identifying the target Workflow Step / Workflow Action

Value Columns (no prefix)

Value columns contain the values that are used to insert or update data into LearningBuilder. Column headers without a special prefix are value columns.

Typically, each Attribute on the target Data Import Step should have a corresponding value column in the uploaded file.

Identifier Columns (“:” prefix)

Columns that begin with a colon, such as :UniqueId, are identifiers. These columns are used to identify the existing record that should be updated (if it exists) or used to create a new record (if no matching record exists).

This convention allows the system to update the unique identifiers associated with a record. For instance, in a system that uses Unique Id as a unique identifier for a Member Role, a file can change an existing Unique Id like this:

See the individual upload feature for a list of the specific identifiers supported for each file type.

Comment Columns (“#” prefix)

Columns that begin with a hash symbol, such as #Notes, are comments. These columns are ignored by the processing queue.

Typically, the import queue will warn users when they upload a file containing unrecognized columns. This convention allows users to put notes or other metadata into their file without triggering that warning.

Identifying the target Workflow Step / Workflow Action

Each row in an uploaded file must map to a specific Workflow Action on a Data Import Step. This Action will be executed as part of the file upload and can be used to trigger additional, custom behavior in response to the upload.

All file types support special identifier columns that specify the Step and/or Action:






Identifies the Action to perform by either name or ID.

If both are provided, they must both match the target Action.


Identifies the Data Import Step to perform by either name or ID.

If both are provided, they must both match the target Step.

These columns are optional in certain circumstances. Depending on the Workflow configuration, one or both of these columns can be omitted or left blank.


Workflow Step column required?

Workflow Action column required?


Workflow Step column required?

Workflow Action column required?

Only one Data Import Step is defined, and it contains a single Action

No - the single defined Step and Action are used by default

No - the single defined Step and Action are used by default

Only one Data Import Step is defined, but it contains multiple Actions

No - the single defined Step is used by default

Yes - since multiple Actions exist, the file must specify which one to execute

Multiple Data Import Steps are defined

Yes - since multiple Import Steps exist, the file must specify which one it wishes to execute

Maybe - if the target Step only has a single Action, then this column can be omitted and that Action will be selected by default. Otherwise, the target Action must be specified in addition to the Step

Conditional Behaviors

An uploaded file might contain data representing numerous types of situations. For instance, some rows might represent “passing” exam scores, others might represent “failing” scores. The actions that the system takes in response to a passing score might be very different than those it takes for a failing score, and the Workflow Import Queue supports this level of configurability through Conditional Behaviors.

For more information, see

Known Limitations

Date Format must Match Acceptable Database Formats

CSV files have no way of indicating the format used for a date. Although there are helpful options in Excel that can interpret the date format, the file itself when encoded as comma delimited does not indicate a date format. Thus, the workflow import queue has no way of knowing if, for example, “01-02-2000” is written in MM-DD-YYYY format or DD-MM-YYYY format. Instead, it interprets the date based on the date formats read within the database.

“Warnings” are not enforced on uploaded files

Workflow Validation Rules can be configured as “errors” or “warnings”. In the Workflow Popup, if the user enters data that triggers a warning, they are shown the message but are given the option of ignoring it and saving the data anyways.

The Workflow Import Queue will enforce errors, but ignores validation rules configured as a “warning”. At this time there is no UI support for displaying the warnings to the user and asking for an override, so the import queue ignores the warnings.


Introduced In


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