Timed Assessments
The assessment feature has an optional setting to support timed assessments that are defined by the configuration.
User Stories
As an Administrator, I can set specific sections of my assessment to include a timer, so that practitioners have a set period of time to answer questions in that section.
As a Practitioner, if a question has a specific time limit, I can select Begin, so that the timer starts when I am ready to answer the question.
As a Practitioner, I can see a clock that counts down, so I know how much time I have left to answer a timed question.
As a Practitioner, if I do not answer a timed question before the timer runs out I will receive an incorrect answer, so that I cannot answer the question again.
Configuration Summary
Administrators can configure the timer in each individual assessment section when constructing the assessment forms and items.
Limitation: All questions in that section will have a time limit along with the same time limit period.
End User Experience
Related articles
Assessment Definition Attribute (LearningBuilder Documentation)