This page was copied from the Help site:
LearningBuilder has the ability to render certain information in the form of a PDF template. The types of templates supported are:
Template Type | Description |
Entity Templates | These PDFs can show any information about an entity. This could be an Invoice for a Course, a Completion Certificate, a Score Report, etc. A link to the PDF can be shared via an email generated from a workflow using the Send an Individual Email Behavior or the Send a Group Email Behavior. To do this you must include the following in the email template: ${@model.UrlForPublicTemplate(Entity_Template_ID)} where Entity_Template_ID is the ID from the Entity_Template table (not the PDF_Template table). |
Workflow Completion Certificates | These PDFs are a special case of an Entity Template. It is automatically displayed next to workflows that are completed successfully. They are often used as a Activity Approval certificate on Create Activity Workflows, Course Completion Certificates on Complete Activity Workflows, and Credential Certificates on Member Role workflows. Training materials: |
Credential Verification | These PDFs are displayed on the Credential Verification page. |
Payment Receipts | These PDFs show information about the payments. They are available on the Payment History and Refunds page and on the Payment Confirmation page. |
All PDF templates except the Credential Verification template can be edited in the SysAdmin area under App Configuration->PDF Templates.
The Credential Verification template is updated in this file:
In order to create of update a PDF template, you need to create a Support Ticket.