Code Block |
{ "PublisherProgramId": "ProgramIdYourProgramId", "PublisherSystemId": "LBYourSystemName", "PublisherEventId": "some_key_from_your_idsystem", "EventType": "Event Type indicatorAI_COMP_SUCCESS", "PublisherParticipantId": "joebob@example.com", "PublisherEventCategory": { "value": "some_key", "label": "friendly value" }, "PublisherEventData": { JSON }, "EventStartUtc": "UTC date/time", "EventEndUtc": "UTC date/time" } |
Parameter | Description | ||
| The Program that owns the Event. The API Key must have access to this Program. | ||
| The type of system that published the event. For now, only “LB” is supported This is an arbitrary string provided by the Publisher. Can be used when a Publisher has multiple systems pushing data into the Hub. | ||
| The type of Learning Hub Event this record represents.See the “Event Types” section, above. For now, the only supported value is “AI_COMP_SUCCESS” | ||
| A value that uniquely identifies this event in the publisher’s system. For LearningBuilder publishers, this will be an “entity-scoped identifier” such as | ||
| Email address or some other piece of information that uniquely identifiers the primary participant within the publisher's system. Ideally, this is an email address or some other identifier that is shared with the Subscribers. | ||
| JSON object containing information about the type of Event, according to the source Program’s system. The The
| ||
| JSON object representing the Event in the source Program’s system. | ||
| The UTC date/time when this Event occurred, or the time that the Event started. | ||
| The UTC date/time when this Event ended. For Events with only a single timestamp, rather than a range, set this equal to |