Converting Provider data into Subscriber data
This section applies specifically to subscribers using LearningBuilder. Other systems will need to implement their own mechanism for processing data from the Hub.
Publishers and Subscribers think about and model their data differently. Each , so the publisher’s data typically needs modified or converted before it can be imported into LearningBuilder.
Therefore, each Event Subscription contains one or more templates that convert from the Provider’s Publisher’s data model into the Subscriber’s data model.
It works like this:
When Publishers push data into the Hub, they specify a
(For example, this might differentiate between data representing a completed course and data representing work history)
A Subscriber’s
contain contain one or more templates, each one mapped to a specificPublisherEventCategory
(This allows the subscriber to convert those courses and work history entries in different ways)
Each template converts a single
JSON object into a different JSON schema that can be passed to the Subscriber’s API/WorkflowImportQueue/CreateBatch API endpoint.When LearningBuilder synchronizes data, it loops through each
item, converts it using the relevant template, and then makes a single call to API/WorkflowImportQueue/CreateBatch to import the data.
Event Subscriptions
Info |
“Event Subscriptions” track which Programs will receive the Events published by other Programs. |