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LearningBuilder only uses PCI-Compliant payment gateways to process financial transactions. This page documents the technical details behind each supported CheckoutMode.

Click here for more information about payment gateways

Table of Contents



  1. User enters checkout in LearningBuilder

  2. LearningBuilder displays a form that collects the billing address and credit card information. The <form>'s action attribute points to the payment gateway over HTTPS.

  3. When the user clicks the submit button, client-side JavaScript code performs an asynchronous HTTPS POST to the payment gateway, submitting the credit card information.

  4. The payment gateway securely stores those details, returning a “token” back to LearningBuilder. LearningBuilder attaches this token to the user’s checkout process.

  5. LearningBuilder displays an order confirmation screen to the user, summarizing the transaction they are about to perform.

  6. User clicks a “submit order” button. LearningBuilder makes a background API call to the payment gateway, specifying the order details (amount, etc) and providing the token in lieu of any payment card data.

  7. The payment gateway uses the token to look up the stored credentials and then performs the transaction.

  8. The payment gateway returns the transaction details, including card authorization, in the API call response.
